Chapter 56

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Chapter 56 Time Limit Sixty Minutes

    After drinking the healing potion, Li Feibai's throat finally became less dry.

    No one knows what will happen in the next second, and ensuring the physical condition is the most important thing.

    Anyway, she has made a fortune now, and it doesn't bother her so much to use other people's points.

    Points remaining: 993.

    The wound had also stopped bleeding. Apart from the pain when raising his hand, he was barely fine. Li Feibai moved his fingers slightly.

    I saw the cards originally inserted into Cheng Qi's body began to tremble violently, and in the next second, the cards were peeled off from the flesh and blood, and flew obediently into Li Feibai's hands.

    Li Feibai piled up the blood-stained red cards and handed them to Sister Rong.

    "I'm sorry, Sister Rong, for dirtying your cards."

    Sister Rong glanced down at the cards, with the same smile on her face. After two seconds, she clapped her hands lightly, saying "Interesting!" several times in a

    row The applause sounded rhythmically, and everyone seemed to be back to their senses, laughing and making noise.

    They just watch the show and don't care who wins or loses.

    "I won, I won! The one who pressed Cheng Qi just now, why don't you hurry up and roll over the points!" "I know, I


    Some people were happy, some were sad, but none of this had anything to do with Li Feibai.

    Now she just wants to get Ruan Zhi back.

    "Sister Rong, could you please fulfill your promise?"

    This Sister Rong wears a golden wristband as a status symbol, and it is very likely that this casino is under her management, otherwise Cheng Qi would not have followed her winks.

    Sister Rong squinted her eyes at Li Feibai, "No problem, which one do you like?" Just say Ruan Zhi's name? No, it is easy to be suspected of ulterior motives.

    And people are all hung up on it, and the zero-point game probably has something to do with them.

    So Li Feibai's request was "for fun", not to take one away.

    You have to find Ruan Zhi first, and then take the opportunity to act.

    Li Feibai looked at the "people" above, as if he was struggling with which one to choose.

    Then, she casually pointed to a "person" who was closest to her.

    "That's it."

    Sister Rong raised her hand and snapped her fingers, the "person" fell from the air instantly, and landed right in front of Li Feibai.

    It's a girl, but it's not Ruan Zhi.

    Half of her body was covered by black threads, she lay motionless on the ground, and there was a blood hole the size of a fingernail in her collarbone.

    "You'd better not touch her, this thing is going crazy, but even people can tear it apart with bare hands."

    Sister Rong seemed to be very satisfied with Li Feibai's performance, at this moment she was in a good mood and told Li Feibai.

    Li Feibai knew in his heart how powerful the monster was, and it could destroy all abilities in an instant, making it daunting.

    "The relatives and friends of many players here have been poisoned by them. Even I took a lot of effort to catch them out of Instinct." "You can play, but at

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