Chapter 63

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Chapter 63 Green Apple

    People always like to attack the weak, especially the weak who are alone.

    Li Feibai, who never communicated friendly with other players from the beginning, knew it clearly the moment the other four people met their eyes.

    They were after themselves.

    Li Feibai stood where he was expressionlessly, and from the corner of his eye, he noticed that the four people who were ready to move in took a few steps back.

    Now there are two women and three men left on the field.

    The three men seem to have mastered the dominance, looking back and forth between Li Feibai and another female player.

    One of the men with a cropped head opened his mouth first, "Hey, two little sisters, why do

    you have the nerve to do this?" The man said in a deep voice.

    Hearing this, many people subconsciously looked at the seal sitting on the sofa.

    The smile on his face disappeared at some point, his black pupils were gloomy and world-weary, and he seemed to be irritable. He kept pointing his fingers at the armrest of the sofa, as if reminding everyone to hurry up.

    A gentleman-looking boy with glasses said in a low voice: "The butler said just now that it depends on whether we are eligible to stay, not necessarily to kill people..." The inch-cut

    man glared at the man with glasses, and cursed in a low voice: " Are you stupid?"

    Li Feibai pretended not to hear their blatant discussion, and stood there silently.

    On the contrary, it was another female player. Seeing their murderous intentions, she couldn't help but said: "Don't you guys, there is no need to fight and kill as soon as you come up. It will be very useful to keep me for a few days.

    " , She winked playfully at the three men.

    The female player's appearance is not particularly brilliant, but her eyes are very charming, her figure is even hotter, and her personality is willing to give in. People can't bear to touch her.

    Hearing this, the man with the scar swept his eyes over the female player, and finally landed on Li Feibai

    . He rushed up, and with a muffled "bang", he raised his leg and kicked the man.

    Pain came from his legs, Li Feibai's eyes sank, and he suddenly took a few steps back, avoiding the hand that was grabbed by the man with the scar.

    Seeing Li Feibai's cautious look, the man with the scar showed a smirk, "Hide fast, or I might tear your leg off!"

    Li Feibai looked at him expressionlessly, without saying a word.

    The scar man's ability seems to be able to instantly turn a certain part of his body into iron, and close combat is very bad for him.

    What are the abilities of the others?

    Li Feibai quietly observed the three people who did not move. It seemed that the girl was not going to make a move. The man with glasses was still hesitating, and the man with the short hair was staring at him.

    So far, the situation is not good for her.

    At this moment, the female player smiled slightly at Li Feibai, "Sister, I'm sorry, in the game, if you want to survive, someone has to be out." , Others are also a little curious about what this woman who just showed weakness is going to do.

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