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Rosemary couldn't remember how she had ended up where she was

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Rosemary couldn't remember how she had ended up where she was. Too many life-changing events had happened for her to be able to pinpoint the exact moment in which things had changed, in which the trajectory of her life had been violently thrown in a different direction.

One could say it was the day Lucy Pevensie brought them to Narnia. Another could argue it was the day her parents had sent her away to protect her. It could've been the moment her grandfather agreed to let the Pevensies stay with them during the war or when she had met Aslan for the first time and found out she was to be the Protector of a land that would soon become home to her. Maybe it was the moment her and the Pevensies had returned from Narnia and found themselves back in their younger selves. Or it could've even been when she had sacrificed herself to save Edmund and Lucy had saved her from the brink of death.

Whatever the moment was, it and every other event in her life had led to this very moment where she found herself about to enter a whole new chapter of her life that she had never quite been able to prepare for.

It made her think of the last greatest chapter of her life which had involved the one place she could never forget about — Narnia. It was her home, filled with memories and lessons that had shaped her in so many ways. She missed it like no other, having not seen the place since she left it almost three years ago.

Three years. Rosemary let out a sigh at that, not able to believe that it had been that long.

She felt as though the last three years had gone by in a blur. One moment she was seventeen and journeying across the Great Eastern Ocean upon the Dawn Treader and the next she suddenly found herself to be twenty years old and everything was changing.

She swore that time hadn't moved this quickly the first time time back during the Golden Age right before her and the Pevensies had been forced back into their childhood bodies and Rosemary wondered how that could be possible. After all, back then she had been ruling a kingdom. Now she just tried to catch the train on time.

In all honesty though, the past three years, even if they had gone by quickly, had been some of the best of her life. Peter had ended up going back with her after her time in America and had been living with her and her grandfather for the past three years. Their friendship had grown to extraordinary levels which was almost hard to believe considering how close they already were, but being in one another's presence every day like they had done back during the Golden Age had only made their bond grow to the point where Peter insisted that wherever she went in life, he would follow. He never wanted to be separated from his best friend again and Rosemary felt the same way.

Her relationship with Peter wasn't the only one to grow tremendously over the years. After their last time in Narnia together, Lucy and Rosemary had made a point to visit each other often, sometimes even taking small trips to different parts of Europe with each other for the weekends to satisfy that sense of adventure each of them so desperately craved.

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