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Peter and I are thrilled that your grandfather is allowing you to come and visit us during our stay in America. It's quite different from our life in England and will definitely be a change from the countryside you are used to back at home, but it's just another adventure that we know you will love.

Being in America is not quite like Narnia, but it's still fun and exciting. Peter and I have been arguing over what to show you first, but I'm sure you will go with whatever Peter chooses since the reason you two became best friends was because of your similar tastes.

We are so excited to see you. After the school year ended and we were sent our separate ways - you back home, me and Peter to America, and Edmund and Lucy to Cambridge - let's just say it was a big change. A year is too long and Peter and I are dying to catch up with you.

We will be there to pick you up once you arrive Thursday morning. You should have no trouble finding us because I'm sure Peter will be practically trying to pry the door of the train open once it arrives.

Travel safe and enjoy the plane and train ride!

Love always,

Rosemary smiled softly to herself as her eyes flickered over the small letter from her friend. She let the letter fall back down into her lap as she looked out the window, watching as the train she was on approached a station that was only a little ways away, a station in which Peter and Susan Pevensie were waiting for her at.

It had taken a lot of convincing of her grandfather and multiple shifts at a diner thirty minutes from where she lived, but Rosemary was finally able to go to America to visit Peter and Susan. She had never been to America before, so it was going go be a new experience to say the least.

The brunette couldn't believe she would be seeing her two friends in only a matter of minutes. Susan had been right when she said a year was far too long and Rosemary couldn't wait to have her friends back in her arms.

As they usually did when she thought of any of the Pevensies, Rosemary's thoughts shifted over to Edmund. Not seeing her boyfriend for a year was hard on the both of them, but they managed to make it work.

Just like Rosemary did with the other Pevensies, she wrote letters to Edmund as often as she could in an attempt to stay connected with him. He wrote back just as much if not more and their relationship had managed to grow and strengthen despite the distance between them.

It surprised Rosemary that Edmund still wanted to be with her despite the distance, but she wouldn't change it for the world. She loved Edmund with all her heart and the day that they would finally be able to embrace each other once again would make the waiting all worth it.

rosemary • edmund pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now