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The following day was the day that Aslan was going to give the Telmarines a chance at a new and better life

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The following day was the day that Aslan was going to give the Telmarines a chance at a new and better life. People were bustling around trying to get everything ready and Rosemary busied herself by helping Caspian while Edmund and Lucy tried to round up all the Telmarine people.

Rosemary stood up straight and flattened out the dark red dress she was wearing as she looked at the trees in front of her. She had been trying to get the big tree to move to its correct spot, but it was still a little restless due to having slept for so long. However, now that it was in position, everything was pretty much set up.

"I think we're ready," Rosemary called out as she looked to Caspian, the only other person who was currently with her. Caspian nodded and smiled. "Good. I'll go get Aslan," he said. "I'll accompany you," Rosemary told him before she fell into stride next to the boy.

The two friends began walking around the castle trying to find Aslan as they talked and got to know each other better while Edmund and Lucy directed everyone to where the event would take place.

With all the fighting going on, Caspian and Rosemary hadn't gotten the chance to really get to know each other. But it was still as though they had known each other their whole lives and both of them found themselves telling anything and everything to each other.

Caspian and Rosemary were laughing at the story the girl had told him about one of her many pranks on Mrs. Macready when they finally caught sight of Aslan. Their laughter fell quiet as they stopped where they were, their eyes focusing in on Aslan who was currently talking to a very distraught and upset Peter and Susan.

A confused look appeared on Rosemary's face, but before she could look much longer, Caspian has gently grabbed ahold of her arm and was turning her around so that they could give the three their privacy. Rosemary looked down slightly and began to walk away with her friend when a voice called out to them.

"Your Majesties?"

Rosemary and Caspian turned back around to see Aslan, Peter, and Susan all looking to them. The brunette immediately tensed up at the sight of Susan struggling to hold back tears and she felt herself pale once she saw Peter with red eyes as if he had been crying.

Something was wrong.

Rosemary wanted to question them, to ask Aslan what had made her friends so upset, but Caspian spoke up before she could. "We are ready. Everyone has assembled," Caspian said.

Susan and Aslan shared a look which Rosemary noticed. She looked to her best friend only for Peter to look away with a sad smile.

Rosemary frowned and instinctively took a step forward causing Aslan to look at her. She gave him a questioning look before looking to her friends with concern and worry. "We will meet you there," Aslan declared and she knew he needed to talk to Peter and Susan privately for a little whole longer.

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