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Rosemary didn't see the Pevensies for the rest of the day

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Rosemary didn't see the Pevensies for the rest of the day. She busied herself with her reading while the Pevensies worked on trying to be okay with that fact that they had just left their home and were now staying in a stranger's house.

It was only at dinner that she finally saw them again. However, none of them talked and the room was filled with an eerie silence as they all ate their soup. Rosemary's grandfather never showed up for dinner that night and she just assumed it was because of the work he had piling up. She wished he had been there because maybe the silence wouldn't have been awkward.

Once dinner was done, Rosemary washed the dishes while the Pevensies went back to their room. It wasn't until they were out of sight that the girl let out a sigh of relief. That had to be the most awkward dinner she had ever had.

Rosemary finished up with the dishes and was walking to her room and thinking about what book she was going to read when a small voice spoke up from behind her.

"Uh. . . Rosemary?"

Rosemary turned around and a small smile appeared on her face when she noticed Lucy standing at the door of the Pevensies room. "Yeah, Lucy?" Rosemary asked. Lucy looked down and Rosemary couldn't tell if she was embarrassed or just being shy.

Lucy fiddled with her hands and asked, "We were just sitting around and I wanted to know if you wanted to come talk with us. Peter says we might be here for a while, so we might as well get to know each other, right?"

Rosemary stared at the girl in surprise. She didn't think they had wanted to be friends with her, especially that Edmund boy who had been glaring a her ever since they had arrived at the house.

Lucy looked up at Rosemary who had a shocked look on her face. Lucy's face reddened and she quickly said, "You don't have to if you don't want to. I was just-" "Okay," Rosemary cut her off. Lucy blinked and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Okay to coming and talking with us or okay to not wanting to?" Lucy asked.

Rosemary chuckled and said, "Okay to talking to you all." Lucy broke out into a big grin and quickly ran over to the girl. "Wonderful! I was afraid you were going to say no for a minute there," Lucy admitted as she hugged the girl. Rosemary didn't have time to respond before Lucy pulled away and grabbed her arm, instantly dragging her into the room.

Rosemary stumbled a bit at the sudden movement and quickly steadied her feet before looking over at Lucy and giving her a playful glare. Lucy just smiled and held her hand. Rosemary smiled back and looked over at the other Pevensies who were staring back at her. She found herself glancing over at Edmund who simply rolled his eyes at her and looked away.

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