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It was when they heard the howling and barking of the White Witch's forces, that they turned their walk back to the beavers' dam into a sprint

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It was when they heard the howling and barking of the White Witch's forces, that they turned their walk back to the beavers' dam into a sprint. Rosemary swore she had never run so fast in her life, her fear of being captured one that she would never forget.

Susan helped the girl along when she started to slow down in the snow while Peter helped Lucy. They finally made it back to the beaver's dam only to hear the wolves getting closer.

"Hurry, Mother! They're after us!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed and Rosemary didn't have time to question why he had called Mrs. Beaver 'Mother' considering she was his wife. "Oh, right then," she said as she began to walk around the kitchen and pick up things.

"What's she doing?" Peter asked. "Oh, you'll be thanking me later. It's a long journey and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry," she said as she began to pack up some food. "I'm cranky now!" Mr. Beaver yelled.

"Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan asked as she began to help the she-beaver. Rosemary and Peter looked to her as if she were crazy. They had wolves who were trying to kill them on their tails and Susan was asking about jam? "Only if the Witch serves toast," Peter told her sarcastically.

Susan glared at the boy, but she was stopped when the sound of barking and growling came from just outside. Lucy jumped back and bumped into Rosemary before grabbing into her hand.

The wolves began to scratch their way through the walls of the dam and they watched as the twigs began to break and crumble. Lucy whimpered in fright and Rosemary quickly gripped onto her hand to comfort her.

"This way," Mr. Beaver said as he shoved the kids through the house. Rosemary quickly grabbed onto Edmund's coat, which she had set down, so that she could bring it with for when they got him back.

They were then led into a small tunnel that was hidden behind a door. Mrs. Beaver gave Peter a stick before lighting it with fire on the end while Rosemary turned back to Mr. Beaver. She had time to turn to see him close the door before he was back at the front and guiding them down a rope before running down a tunnel that led away from the dam.

"Badger and me dug this. Comes out right near his place," Mr. Beaver told them. "You told me it led to your mum's!" Mrs. Beaver exclaimed.

At that moment, Lucy tripped over a root in the ground and fell, bringing Rosemary down with her. Rosemary let out a small groan while the two eldest Pevensie ran over to them. "Lucy! Rosemary!" Susan exclaimed in a hushed voice as she helped the smaller girl up. Peter then helped Rosemary up and she opened her mouth to say something, but was stopped at the sound of the wolves in the tunnels.

"They're in the tunnel," Lucy whispered. "Quick! This way," Mr. Beaver exclaimed and Rosemary made sure that the Pevensies were in front of her before she followed from behind. "Hurry!" Mrs. Beaver told them.

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