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After having spoken with Aslan, the children were shown to their tents

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After having spoken with Aslan, the children were shown to their tents. Rosemary, Susan, and Lucy were to share one tent while Peter and Edmund, when he returned, would share the other. They were given new Narnian clothes to wear and Rosemary was given a dark red dress to put on.

She frowned slightly seeing as a dress wasn't good attire to fight in, but now wasn't the time to argue. Rosemary didn't stick around much after that before she was walking off by herself with Edmund's coat clutched in her hands.

The trees whispered in her ears as she walked through the camp and it all became too much when she heard some saying stuff about how Edmund had betrayed them. Tears were filling her eyes once again and she looked around for an area where there were no trees and where the thoughts and whispers wouldn't bother her.

She finally found such an area and climbed up onto a cliff that overlooked the camp and showed a view of an ocean with a castle just on the other side. Rosemary sat down on the edge of the cliff and looked out as she hugged Edmund's coat close to her body.

She had failed as a protector and the thought of having to lead an army and help defeat the White Witch was too much to handle. How was Rosemary supposed to protect all of the Narnians when she could barely protect her friend?

Rosemary finally managed to calm herself down to the point where the tears were gone and she was only met with a numb feeling throughout her body. She looked out at the view before her and at the castle that was a little ways away.

"That is Cair Paravel," a voice spoke up and she turned her head to see Aslan coming up behind her. He walked over and sat down beside her as they looked at the castle. "It's the castle of the five thrones. In one of which you will sit, Rosemary,
as the Protector and Queen of Narnia."

Rosemary looked down at that and Aslan turned his gaze to her. "You doubt the prophecy?" he asked. "No. That's just it. I'm not what you all think I am," Rosemary admitted. "Rosemary Kirke, daughter of William and Aspen. Born in Narnia, but raised in England with your grandfather," Aslan said almost instantly.

Rosemary looked to the lion in surprise that he knew all of that. His eyes flickered over her face before he gave her a kind smile. "But that's not what the problem is," Aslan told her knowingly.

Rosemary sighed. "I just. . .I'm supposed to be the protector, right? How am I supposed to be the same protector that the prophecy talks about when I wasn't able to protect Edmund?" Rosemary asked.

Aslan nodded as he looked off. "That's a question only you can answer, Rosemary," he said. Rosemary gave him a look. "Really? You can't just let me know part of the answer?" Rosemary asked. The lion chuckled, "I'm afraid not. We all know who you are and who you are to become. The only one who seems to have any doubt is yourself."

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