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By the time they had reached the Lone Islands, the sun had already began to make its decent

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By the time they had reached the Lone Islands, the sun had already began to make its decent. The sun gave off a warm orange glow form the horizon and Rosemary smiled at how beautiful everything looked.

"The Lone Islands. The port of Narrowhaven," Drinian announced. Caspian, who have been looking through a small telescope, let the telescope fall as he frowned. "Strange, not a Narnian flag in sight," he muttered making Rosemary look at him confused. "How weird," she said.

"But the Lone Islands have always been Narnia's," Edmund pointed out. "Seems suspicious," Drinian said and Rosemary nodded in agreement, already beginning to get a bad feeling in her stomach. "I say we prepare a landing party. Drinian?" Edmund said.

The captain sighed and looked to the boy. "Forgive me, Your Majesty. . .but the chain of command starts with King Caspian on this ship," he told him.

Edmund's face fell slightly, but no one seemed to notice except for Rosemary. She slipped her hand into his and gave it a small squeeze, instantly bringing him back to reality. "Right," he said before moving ever so slightly so that he was almost leaning against Rosemary for comfort.

He had thought this was going to be his chance to lead. Having to stay in Peter's shadow as his brother ruled during their past few times, this should've been his chance to lead. But Edmund had to remember that Caspian was a King too and had been in Narnia for the past couple of years ruling as such while he was back in his world.

"We'll use longboats. Drinian, pick some men and come ashore," Caspian said. He then looked to a Minotaur who had joined them and nodded at the Narnian. "Aye. Tavros."

Tavros nodded and turned to the crew before yelling out, "Man the longboats, furl the sail and prepare to drop anchor!"

Caspian and Drinian walked away leaving Rosemary and Edmund by themselves. Edmund was staring at the ground with a look on his face that made Rosemary's heart ache for him.

"Edmund," she whispered as she brought a hand up and gently rubbed his arm. The boy looked up at her and forced a small smile that didn't reach his eyes like the others. "I need to go find a sword before we leave. I'll meet you by the boats in a few minutes," Edmund told her.

She went to respond, but Edmund was already walking away leaving Rosemary to stare after him with a sad look on her face.

- - -

"Onward!" Reepicheep exclaimed once they were by the docks. The small mouse jumped off of the boat and onto the docks before looking back at Rosemary, Edmund, and Caspian who sat in the front of the longboat. "The thrill of the unknown lies ahead."

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