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Rosemary had never run so fast

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Rosemary had never run so fast. All she could think about was how Peter and Lucy needed her, how she had to help them. Not even Edmund's shouts for her could slow her down and before she knew it, she was in a small clearing where she could see Peter fighting some boy.

Rosemary frowned and didn't even hesitate before taking her sword and rushing forward. She was quick to put her sword in between the boy and Peter. Peter took a step back allowing Rosemary to step in while the boy stared at her with wide eyes.

The brunette used her foot to kick the boy back and he stumbled a bit giving Rosemary time to knock his sword out of his hand before pinning him to the ground. Her sword was against his throat within a second and she glared at him.

"No, stop!" a small voice called out and the brunette looked up to see Lucy staring at her in fright. Rosemary stared at the girl for a moment longer before she noticed the creatures that were coming out of hiding.

Her breath hitched in her throat at the sight of all of the Narnians. Rosemary looked down at the boy who gulped nervously under her gaze. She scowled at him. "Attack my family again and I won't be as forgiving," she hissed before she stood up.

Rosemary turned and looked to see that the Narnians were holding their weapons up, ready to attack. She furrowed her eyebrows before she glanced down at herself. They didn't recognize her. Not only had it been hundreds of years since they were last here, but Narnia remembered them as adults, not kids.

Peter tensed up and grabbed Rosemary's arm before pulling her towards him. She looked back to see that the boy had gotten up and his sword was back in his hand which he had had aimed at her from behind.

"Prince Caspian?" Peter questioned as he looked from the boy to the Narnians. Rosemary winced. This was the boy that had called them here? She suddenly felt very guilty for having fought him.

Then again, Caspian had attacked Peter first and, since it was Rosemary's duty was to protect her friends, there would be no holding back when it came to them.

"Yes," the boy said. "And who are you two?"

"Peter!" Susan yelled as she came around the corner with the dwarf. Edmund ran through the brush and into the clearing at that time as well and sighed at the sight of Rosemary.

"Rosemary," he breathed out. "Next time wait for me." Rosemary gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry, Eddie," she told him.

When Rosemary and Peter turned back around to look at Caspian, they saw that the boy was staring at them all with wide eyes. His gaze fell among the two and a small gasp left his lips.

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