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Edmund and Rosemary weren't hugging for long before they were suddenly being jumped on from the side

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Edmund and Rosemary weren't hugging for long before they were suddenly being jumped on from the side. The couple turned, smiling at the sight of Lucy who was grinning at them before chuckling as Caspian came up as well and wrapped his arms around the three for a hug.

Rosemary snuck a glance at Edmund and the boy caught her gaze before winking at her. Chuckling softly, Rosemary leaned into the embrace of the people she loved, not noticing what was approaching until someone began to yell, "Narnians! Narnians!"

The four pulled away in order to look out towards the sea where rowboats were slowly making their way towards the ship. Rosemary couldn't help but smile and she put a hand over her mouth as she watched the young Gael suddenly yell out, "Mummy!"

Her father Rhince seemed to see the same thing his daughter had for he yelled out, "Helaine!" The two then promptly jumped over board and began swimming towards a boat where a woman was on the verge of tears crying out, "Rhince! Gael!"

Rosemary began to tear up at the sight and she snuck a glance over at Edmund who had an arm wrapped around Lucy while the youngest Pevensie leaned into her brother's embrace. Caspian seemed to be watching the same things as her and he wrapped an arm around Rosemary's shoulders before gently ruffling her hair, something that made the girl playfully glare at him but she didn't bother pushing his embrace away.

"Let's have them on board! Clear the decks!" Caspian announced before letting go of Rosemary as the two walked over to Edmund and Lucy. "We did it," Lucy grinned, wrapping an arm around Rosemary in order to hug the girl who was quick to hug her back.

"I knew we would," Caspian said. "It wasn't just us, though," Edmund pointed out and that was enough to make Rosemary still before her eyes widened. The biggest smile began to break out on her face as she realized what Edmund was insinuating. "You mean—" Caspian began, but he was cut off by shouts from down below.

"Hey! Hey, I'm down here, Lucy. Over here! Hey, Lucy. I'm in the water. Lucy!" a shrill voice exclaimed, the suddenness making them all look at each other in surprise before rushing to the edge of the deck and looking into the water where a young, very human, Eustace Scrubb was floating.

"Eustace!" Rosemary exclaimed happily, her eyes sparkling down at the boy as she realized everything really was falling into place now. "Rosemary!" Eustace cried out happily as he splashed around. "I'm a boy again. I'm a boy."

"Eustace!" Reepicheep exclaimed as he appeared out of no where and quickly climbed up onto Rosemary's shoulder. "I see your wings have been clipped!" He glanced over at Rosemary and the two smiled at each other before not hesitating to jump over the side of the ship and into the water below. "Ha, ha!"

rosemary • edmund pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now