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The rumbling sound that echoed through the field was what made Edmund and the Telmarine he was fighting both pause in the middle of their fight

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The rumbling sound that echoed through the field was what made Edmund and the Telmarine he was fighting both pause in the middle of their fight.

The ground was shaking beneath them and Edmund furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but it quickly disappeared once he saw something grow out of the ground and grab ahold of the Telmarine in front of him.

Before he knew what was happening, the Telmarine was tossed around before being thrown away, knocking down a bunch of other Telmarines in the process. Edmund looked down at whatever had grabbed ahold of the soldier and watched in disbelief as tree roots seemed to crawl back into the ground.

That's when the rumbling sound seemed to become louder and Edmund turned around to see trees moving onto the battlefield, grabbing onto Telmarines and protecting the Narnians.

The Narnians all looked around in disbelief as they let their weapons fall to their sides. The Telmarines were retreating causing all the Narnians to cry out in victory.

Peter, Caspian, and Susan walked up to stand next to Edmund and both Edmund and Peter shared a look. "Rosemary," Peter muttered.

Edmund smirked proudly and put his sword back into its sheath. "That's my girl," he whispered softly to himself, but the others heard and all shared a look as they watched Edmund look around at the trees proudly knowing that his girlfriend had been the one to protect them once again.

The Telemarines attempted to use their machines to throw more boulders in their direction, but the trees only used their roots to move across the battlefield before destroying the catapults.

Peter smirked as he watched the Telmarines run away in fright and held his sword up in the air. "For Aslan!" Peter yelled. Edmund drew his sword and everyone else held their weapons in the air as well before exclaiming, "For Aslan!"

As the Narnians ran towards the Telmarines, one of the soldiers blew their horn and the Telmarines began to retreat. This only made the Narnians yell and cheer louder as they rushed forward.

The Telmarines were attempting to get the Narnians to the river, thinking that the river was what would help them win. However, when they reached the water and their bridge, the soldiers froze.

Across the bridge stood two girls. One had her head held high as she let her hand rest on the hilt of her sword, the other stood beside the older girl with her cloak and hair blowing in the wind.

The two girls shared a look before the older one pulled her sword out from its sheath. The blade seemed to glow in the sunlight and the golden initials that read W.K. shone bright enough for everyone to see. The younger girl pulled a dagger out.

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