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Rosemary was in a cold sweat as she ran with aching muscles that screamed out to her in pain

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Rosemary was in a cold sweat as she ran with aching muscles that screamed out to her in pain. Her body was going numb from the coldness that surrounded her and her breath was coming out in small white clouds around her.

The brunette was running down a black hallway that had no end and no beginning. Nothing surrounded her but an empty void and the ice beneath her feet. The ice seemed to grow slicker by the minute, so before Rosemary knew what was happening, she had slipped and gone sprawling out on the icy floor.

She hit her head hard against the ground and squeezed her eyes shut in pain as a hand flew up to her head. When she blinked her eyes back open, she found herself on the Dawn Treader. She seemed to be caught up in some storm, so the ship was violently rocking back and forth. Her eyes flickered around the ship but she found that she was the only person aboard.

Or so she thought.

"Well isn't this a lovely surprise," a voice muttered from behind her making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. The air around her had suddenly become a lot colder and her rain soaked hair and clothes were freezing against her body. Rosemary brought her hands up and hugged herself as she turned to face the woman who she thought had died all those years ago.

Jadis smirked as she seemed to study the girl in front of her, the look in her eyes being enough to make Rosemary shudder in fear. She subconsciously reached down to grab her sword only to realize that it wasn't there which only made the experience that much more frightening.

The rain didn't seem to affect Jadis in any way as she quietly walked in a circle around Rosemary, her gaze nothing but judgmental. "I will never understand why Aslan chose you to be the protector of Narnia. After all, you weren't the one to kill me. In fact, if I remembered correctly, I killed you," Jadis commented.

Rosemary gulped. Jadis had killed her, but Lucy had saved her at the last minute with her cordial.

Jadis locked eyes with Rosemary and gave her a glare that made her blood run cold. "I see that your death didn't last long. If it hadn't been for that little girl, you would've been dead long ago," Jadis told her. She then looked around and smirked. "But seeing as none of your little Pevensies are around. . ."

"I guess I'll just do it again."

Before Rosemary could even bat an eye, Jadis had pulled her wand out of thin air and stabbed Rosemary in the gut. The sudden impact had her stumbling back and Rosemary quickly put her hands over her gut as she gasped for air.

Jadis smirked and got close to the girl's face. "Your precious Edmund will be next," she muttered before she shoved Rosemary off the boat.

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