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Rosemary was the first one to step forward as one of her hands dropped from Peter's grip while the other still held firmly onto Edmund's hand

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Rosemary was the first one to step forward as one of her hands dropped from Peter's grip while the other still held firmly onto Edmund's hand. The boy quickly followed suit making sure to stick by her side while the other Pevensies walked after them.

They were quiet as they walked forward, all of them taking in the fact that they were back. They all walked out onto the beach before Rosemary let go of Edmund's hand. The boy looked to her and she looked back at him before smiling and letting out a small laugh.

She then began running forward, tossing her shoes and her coat off as she headed towards the water. Edmund laughed and hurried after her, doing the same with his own coat and shoes, before everyone else joined.

Rosemary was just about to reach the water when she felt two arms wrap around her waist. She let out a squeal as Edmund picked her up before he fell backwards into the ocean with Rosemary in his arms.

The warm ocean water surrounded them and when they came back up, they were both laughing and wiping the water from their eyes. Rosemary started to splash water at Edmund who said, "Oh, you asked for it." He then used both hands to splash a huge wave of water at her and she let out a shriek before glaring at the boy.

She pushed him and he fell backwards into the water. Rosemary laughed and waited for the boy to come back up, but after a few seconds without anything happening, her smile vanished. "Eddie?" She called out. There was no response and her worry instantly skyrocketed. "Edmund?" She began frantically looking around in the water as she called out for the boy.

Susan, Peter, and Lucy who had all been laughing and playing in the water a little ways away turned around at Rosemary's cries and chuckled softly when they saw Edmund sneaking up from behind her. Edmund then wrapped his arms around her and spun around so that they both went tumbling into the water.

The other Pevensies chuckled and smiled at the sight of how happy Edmund looked. It was the happiest he had looked in a long time and they all knew it was because he was finally back with Rosemary again.

The two fifteen year olds rose from the water and Rosemary frowned and slapped Edmund's chest. "I thought you were drowning!" Rosemary exclaimed while Edmund chuckled. "Sorry, love," he told her and she instantly blushed at the nickname as they both laughed.

The two stayed where they were with Edmund's hands placed just above her waist while Rosemary's hand rested on his chest. The two stared at each other as their laughter quieted down. Smiles grew on their faces and neither of them registered that they were starting to lean in when Peter came up from behind and splashed them.

The two's jaws dropped open in shock and they turned to look at the boy. "Peter!" Rosemary cried out. Peter just let out a mischievous laugh before attempting to run away through the water. Rosemary and Edmund shook their heads and hurried after the boy.

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