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For reasons beyond my comprehension, we've taken the advice of a senile old coot who doesn't possess a razor and dawdles around in a dressing gown

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For reasons beyond my comprehension, we've taken the advice of a senile old coot who doesn't possess a razor and dawdles around in a dressing gown. So we're back in this tub and lost in a tempest. Brilliant!

The sudden forceful rocking of the ship had Eustace almost tumbling to the ground, but the boy was quick enough to catch himself before frowning out the window as he looked at the stormy seas outside. Shaking his head, Eustace looked back to his journal and continued writing while the shouts of the men trying to keep the ship afloat could be heard from above.

Fourteen days of being tossed like a pancake and not the slightest sign of land. The only consolation is, everyone is finally as miserable as I am. Except for that show-off talking rat. He's one of those annoying glass-is-always-half-full types.

Rosemary is like that too, but for some reason she is less annoying than the rat. In fact, she seems to be the only person keeping everyone from going off the deep end and I won't lie and say I haven't felt a little hopeful in moments when Rosemary is talking to the whole crew.

Lucy tells me that Rosemary has that affect on people. Something to do with her voice being a weapon, but I don't quite understand or believe. A voice being a powerful weapon? Now that's just rubbish.

Cousin Edmund is still as love sick as ever and I'm pretty sure that's the only reason he still manages to keep a smile on his face. His gaze is constantly on Rosemary and it's like he is always in a daze. I swear I've never seen him this quiet before.

It's amazing how Rosemary doesn't notice and from Lucy's stories, it took forever for them just to admit their feelings for one another. How someone as kind and sweet as Rosemary fell for my cousin will always astound me.

Eustace let out a groan as his journal flew from his hands and onto the floor with the shaking of the boat. He was quick to pick it back up, but knowing it would only be harder to write, stuffed the journal into his sock and looked out the window with a frown.

He could tell it was going to be a long night.

- - -

"So we're stuck here at half-rations, with food and water for two more weeks, maximum," Drinian explained as he looked to Caspian, Edmund and Rosemary, the four of them all conversing in the Captain's cabin. "This is your last chance to turn back, your Majesties."

Rosemary, who had been standing beside Edmund with her head down as she thought, snapped her head up to look at Drinian in surprise. He wanted to turn back? "Turn back?" Rosemary questioned a little tense and angry while Edmund, who had his arm wrapped around the girl's waist as he held them both steady, rubbed a thumb comfortingly against her side.

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