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15 years later

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15 years later. . .

In the fifteen years that followed after Rosemary, Edmund, Peter, Susan, and Lucy were crowned the queens and kings of Narnia, Narnia experienced what could only be described as the Golden Age. Narnia prospered like never before and the Kings and Queens became beloved by all.

Lucy was called the Valiant, the lion's daughter, and she grew up to have the mind and body of a woman with the grace of a queen. Susan was the Gentle just as Aslan had declared her. But when it came to war, she was anything but. Peter was the Magnificent. He ruled Narnia as the High King better than any ruler Narnia had had.

Edmund was the redeemed traitor, the kingdom's diplomat. He knew better than anyone else what selfishness could do after having experienced it from the Witch firsthand, so no one was kidding when they called him the Just.

And as for Rosemary, she became the most beloved out of the kings and queens. She was the protector of the lands and fought for every life within the borders of their kingdom. But she was also the kindest out of them all and spent most of her time, when she wasn't training, helping out around the kingdom or ruling alongside Peter.

The time of the Kings and Queens of Old was one no one would ever forget, but none of them knew how quick it would end.

And it all happened on the day Rosemary and Peter returned back to the castle with news about the White Stag.

- - -

Edmund let out a small groan once Oreius beat him for what felt like the fifth time that day in a game of chess. Oreius chuckled softly and looked up at the king who ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"You seem distracted today, my King," Oreius stated. "Distracted by Rosemary," Susan muttered from her spot at the table where she was busy with her embroidery. Edmund frowned. "I am not," he argued.

Lucy, who had been standing by the balcony overlooking the land of Narnia, let out a laugh as she turned to her brother. "You aren't a very good liar, Edmund," she told him as she walked in to sit next to Mr. Tumnus who sat at the table with two cups of tea.

"He just misses her," Mr. Tumnus said as he smiled over at Edmund. Edmund's face grew red. "Of course I miss her, but that does not mean I'm distracted by her. That's like saying that just because I miss Peter I'm distracted by him," Edmund told them.

The four shared a look before rolling their eyes. "Ed, you miss Rosemary in a different way than you miss Peter and you know it. We all do. So why don't you just quite being an idiot for one second and tell her how you feel," Susan said.

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