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"Ed," a voice whispered making Edmund scrunch up his nose in annoyance before he curled more into himself, his eyes squeezed shut as he willed himself to fall back asleep

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"Ed," a voice whispered making Edmund scrunch up his nose in annoyance before he curled more into himself, his eyes squeezed shut as he willed himself to fall back asleep.

He was hoping that whoever had said his name would see that he was sleeping and leave him alone, but they must've thought the opposite because Edmund was suddenly being shaken as someone said, "Ed, wake up."

Edmund let out a small groan and opened his eyes to see Caspian standing above him with a worried look on his face. Caspian glanced down and saw that Edmund had woken up before standing up and saying, "Wake up, look."

The boy gave the king a confused look, but reluctantly pulled himself up onto his feet before looking to where Caspian was pointing. To his surprise, there was a trail of huge footprints all around the sand around them. Who had made them? Edmund had no clue and neither did Caspian apparently.

Edmund bit his lip nervously before going to look at Lucy and make sure his sister was okay. He felt his blood run cold once he realized the blanket Lucy had been sleeping on was empty, footprints all around the blanket.

"Where's Lucy?" Edmund asked worridly, his eyes wide as he turned to Caspian. However, his breath caught in his throat at the sight of Caspian kneeling by Rosemary's empty blanket, the blanket being all rumpled in a pile as if it had fallen on the ground. He locked eyes with Caspian and gave him a panicked look before saying, "Where's Rosemary?"

"Lucy? Rosemary? Lucy! Rosemary!" Edmund called out as he looked around frantically. His shouts were enough to make the rest of the camp wake up and they all groaned once they heard the yelling coming from the boy.

"Everybody up!" Caspian demanded once he saw that the others were starting to wake.

"Get up. Get up, I said!" Drinian exclaimed making everyone grumpily get up from their beds. However, once they saw that Edmund's desperate cries were over the fact that Lucy and Rosemary were missing, they were all quick to change their attitudes.

Edmund didn't hesitate to run and grab his armor and a sword, Caspian noticing what he was doing and doing the same. "This way!" Caspian yelled before him, Edmund, and the rest of the camp hurried off into the woods, leaving a sleeping Eustace behind.

Edmund gulped slightly as he caught up to Caspian, running alongside the man. Caspian glanced over at his friend and reached out to place a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find them. They're going to be okay," Caspian assured him while Edmund took in a deep breath and nodded his head.

Boy, did he hope Caspian was right.

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