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Sleep didn't come easy for Rosemary for the rest of the night and the only thing keeping her calm was Edmund's arms around her as he slept, his face nuzzled into the crook of her neck

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Sleep didn't come easy for Rosemary for the rest of the night and the only thing keeping her calm was Edmund's arms around her as he slept, his face nuzzled into the crook of her neck. After sleeping off and on for the next couple of hours, the sun finally started to peak over the horizon. It took some maneuvering, but Rosemary managed to get out of Edmund's hold without waking the boy up and quietly walked out of the room before heading to the main deck.

Rosemary found herself leaning against the side of the Dawn Treader, her eyes focusing on the horizon where the sun was turning the dark sky into glorious colors of yellow and orange as the world seemed to come alive. Only a few people were out that early as they worked at their stations, but they merely greeted the young queen with small smiles before leaving her to her own thoughts.

The brunette's eyes flickered over the water which gently lapped against the side of the boat and smiled softly before looking back up and closing her eyes. She took in a deep breath as the breeze gently blew through her hair and had never felt more at peace. She really did love being in the world of Narnia and for a moment she wondered what her life would be like if she lived here all the time. What it would've been like if her parents were still alive and had raised her here.

Rosemary quickly shook that thought away for her parents deaths led her to living with her grandfather which led to her meeting the Pevensies and although she would love to have her parents by her side, Rosemary knew she wouldn't trade a single thing for the life she had right now. The Pevensies were her family and without them, she would be a completely different person.

Rosemary's hand reached up and gently took ahold of the necklace that never left her neck. She closed her eyes and tried to see if she could feel the trees even from this far away, but there was nothing and the fact made a small frown appear on her face. Oh how she missed the trees. Their little whispers had always been a comfort to her and she yearned for the day she would finally be able to walk through the Narnian forests once again.

She was quick to push the thoughts of Narnia out of her head and instead thought back to Peter and Susan who she had left behind when she entered that bathroom of theirs. How was she supposed to know she would end up on the Dawn Treader with Caspian, Edmund, and Lucy while washing her hands? Rosemary silently hoped that time wasn't passing just like it hadn't the other times they were in Narnia because she didn't want Peter or Susan to worry especially since they couldn't come here themselves anymore.

"Couldn't sleep?" a voice asked and Rosemary looked behind her before smiling softly at the sight of Caspian standing there with a small smirk on his face.

"Not really," Rosemary admitted as Caspian walked over and leaned against the railing right beside her. The two looked out at the sea and Caspian let his eyes flicker over to the girl once before he looked away.

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