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"Rosemary! Rosemary, wake up!" a small voice exclaimed as someone began to jump up and down on her sleeping body

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"Rosemary! Rosemary, wake up!" a small voice exclaimed as someone began to jump up and down on her sleeping body. Rosemary groaned slightly before her eyes fluttered open. "Lucy? What is it? Is something wrong?" she asked.

Lucy just grinned at her and shook her head. "Nothing's wrong. Everything's great actually! Just come with me," Lucy told her as she climbed off of the bed. Rosemary groaned again and dug her face into her pillow. "Can we not talk at breakfast?" she asked. "No, it has to be now. Come on," Lucy whined as she grabbed the girl's arm and began dragging her out of bed.

Rosemary sighed and got up. She only had a second or two to put her slippers on and grab her book before Lucy was dragging her out of the room and down the hall to where the other Pevensie siblings slept.

"Peter, Peter, wake up!" Lucy exclaimed as she ran over to her brother and began jumping on the bed. Edmund, who Rosemary hadn't noticed was following behind them this whole time, turned the lights on in the room before walking over to sit on the window seat.

Rosemary followed and sat beside him before opening up her book and beginning to read, not noticing the way that Edmund's face grew a bit pink from her choosing to sit down next to him.

"Peter, wake up!" Lucy whined as both Peter and Susan began to stir from their sleep. "It's there! It's really there!"

"Shh. Lucy, what are you talking about?" Peter asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. His gaze flickered over to Rosemary and he sighed slightly at the fact that his sister had woken the girl up as well. It was okay if she did it to them, but the fact that she woke up the girl who was nice enough to let them live here wasn't a good thing. Thankfully, Rosemary didn't seem to mind. More time to read he guessed.

"Narnia! It's all in the wardrobe like I told you!" Lucy exclaimed. "You've just been dreaming, Lucy," Susan told her as she got up and wrapped a robe around herself. "But I haven't!" Lucy argued. "I saw Mr. Tumnus again! And this time, Edmund went too."

Everyone froze at that and Rosemary noticed the way that Edmund visibly tensed. "You. . .you saw the faun?" Peter asked his brother. Rosemary looked up from her book and Edmund glanced at her.

"Well, he didn't actually go there with me," Lucy admitted. "He. . ." She trailed off and turned her gaze to her brother and she gave him a look of confusion. "What were you going, Edmund?"

Rosemary and Edmund's eyes locked and he seemed to go blank for a second before he looked down. "I was just playing along," he said, but Rosemary felt like he was lying. "I'm sorry, Peter. I shouldn't have encouraged her, but you know what little children are like these days."

rosemary • edmund pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now