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Rosemary was woken up the following morning as soon as she felt the trees grow restless

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Rosemary was woken up the following morning as soon as she felt the trees grow restless. Her eyes shot open and she sat up in her bed breathing heavily as a feeling of sadness and mourning washed over her although she wasn't quite sure what it was for.

The trees were upset and as soon as Rosemary ran to the opening in the tent, not noticing the fact that Susan and Lucy's beds were empty, she could see that the trees were blowing in the wind crazily as if they were angered by something. Rosemary didn't even hesitate before running over to one of the nearest trees and placing her hand on the bark.

"What's wrong? What's happened?" she asked, but there was no response. Rosemary frowned and was about to ask again when a soft voice spoke up from behind her.

"My Princess."

Rosemary quickly turned to see flower petals floating in the air to form the figure of a woman. "Who are you?" Rosemary asked as she took a step back. "A friend," the woman told her. "I bring grave news from your friends Susan and Lucy."

The trees blew more fiercely in the wind and Rosemary looked at them before looking back to the woman. Whatever she had to tell her, it was obviously what was upsetting the trees.

"What's happened?"

- - -

"She's right," Peter said as he walked out of Aslan's tent. "He's gone." Rosemary paled at that and took a step back as she tried to wrap her head around what she had just learned.

Aslan was dead and the White Witch had killed him.

Rosemary stared at the ground, not knowing what to think as her eyes glossed over. A hand brushed against her own before she felt the familiar feeling of Edmund's hand latching onto hers. She looked up at him with tear filled eyes and he gave her a sad smile before pulling her into his side for a small hug.

Edmund held the girl close to him before his eyes flickered over to his brother who was leaning against the table. "Then you'll have to lead us," Edmund told him. Peter looked up at the boy. "Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you."

"I can't," Peter insisted. "Aslan believed you could," Rosemary whispered, her eyes flickering over to meet the eyes of her best friend. "And so do I." Peter gave her the smallest of smiles to which she returned.

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?" Oreius asked Peter. "We need to tell them," Rosemary said as she pulled away from Edmund's hold to look out at the army in front of them. "They need to know what happened."

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