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Rosemary fidgeted in her school uniform as she stood by herself awaiting the subway train that would take her to school

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Rosemary fidgeted in her school uniform as she stood by herself awaiting the subway train that would take her to school. Her hands shook slightly as she tried to pull her skirt down a little more to cover up her legs and she gulped nervously as she fixed her shirt as well.

The brunette had only been wearing the uniform for two weeks now and she was already annoyed with it. It was scratchy, short and nothing like the fighting or even royal attire she was used to wearing.

She knew she was partially just more agitated with the outfit because of everything that was going on. Polly was nice enough. She always made Rosemary home cooked meals and would laugh and tell her stories about her grandfather until Rosemary felt as if her ear were going to fall off. But other than that, everything was going wrong.

School was awful. All of those friends her grandfather had been telling her she would make had yet to appear, instead being replaced by all of the people who made fun of her for her weird way of talking and how she seemed too mature for her age. It honestly hurt to be treated with such disrespect and Rosemary had to repeatedly remind herself that she wasn't a queen anymore.

Then there was the fact that she was missing her grandfather and the house like crazy. She even missed Mrs. Macready.

And like the cherry on top of her already messed up sundae, she hadn't been getting any letters from the Pevensies. It felt as if she were really all alone and that was enough to make her want to cry.

Rosemary took in a shaky breath and looked over at the clock on the side of the station. Her train was going to be here soon and the thought of spending another day in a school where everyone hated her was one that continued to make her more and more nervous.

At that moment, all Rosemary could think about were the Pevensies and how she wished they were here with her. She wanted Lucy to joke and play around with her. She wanted Susan to gossip with and laugh with. She wanted Peter who was her best friend and who would without a doubt make her feel better about everything that was going on.

But most of all she wanted Edmund, the boy who she constantly thought about and whose breathtaking and effortless smile was enough to make the sun shine on a cloudy day.

Rosemary sighed and closed her eyes for a second. She just wanted the Pevensies.


The brunette's eyes shot open at the sound of Lucy's voice and she looked around only to come up empty handed. She frowned slightly and shook her head. There was no way that was Lucy. She was just missing the Pevensies too much, that was it.

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