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Rosemary woke up with a start as she let out a loud gasp

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Rosemary woke up with a start as she let out a loud gasp. The fifteen year old struggled to get in air while her hands grabbed ahold of her covers before curling into fists. Her eyes frantically searched the room and although she was relieved knowing that her dream had been nothing but a dream, she felt worse than if it had all been real.

It would have been a lot more calming if she had been in the place that was more familiar than her own home in England. . .Narnia.

It had been well over a year since Rosemary was last in Narnia where she had been a queen, a protector, and a grown adult. Coming back a child had really messed with her emotionally, but she wouldn't let anyone know that.

Rosemary had grown used to being looked up to, to being the protector of a land that was more of a home to her than where she was now, and to being important. Being forced to be a kid again after going through so much was something she never thought she would have to go through. Yet, here she was.

She knew it was going to be awful trying to readjust, but back then, Rosemary still had the Pevensies. She had still had Edmund. But now, she didn't even have them.

Not even a month after returning from Narnia, the Pevensies had to leave and go back to their home in Finchley. It was a devastating blow for the brunette when she had to watch their train disappear in the distance as she stayed back at the train station with her grandfather.

And much like how she hadn't seen Narnia in over a year, she hadn't seen the Pevensies either which meant she was going through everything alone. It had been a tough time since then and Rosemary found it harder and harder to stay positive especially since all she did was blame herself for having sent them back that day.

Not to mention, she was constantly getting nightmares where she would see Narnia in ruins and all of her friends getting harmed because she wasn't there to protect them. That's why most nights were spent waking up in a cold sweat before she would attempt to open up the wardrobe and get back to her people and hopefully her friends.

The only positive thing in her life were the letters from the Pevensies. After they had left, the two parties had started writing each other in an attempt to stay connected. Rosemary wrote Peter the most seeing as he was her best friend. As for Susan and Lucy, they would write letters every once in a while, but it was Peter who made a point to write her once a week.

Finally there was Edmund who rarely wrote her. The ons time he had written her when it wasn't her birthday or a holiday, Edmund had explained that he would much rather talk to her in person than through letters and, after that, his letters had stopped coming. Little did Rosemary know, but it was just too hard for him to think about writing her and not being able to see her.

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