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"Aslan," Lucy whispered as Caspian directed them into a small room on the ship

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"Aslan," Lucy whispered as Caspian directed them into a small room on the ship. Rosemary glanced over to see what the girl was talking about and saw that Lucy was staring at a small golden plate with a carving of Aslan on the front of it.

She smiled sadly before walking over to the young girl and wrapping an arm around her. Lucy looked up at her and smiled softly as she leaned her head against her shoulder, the two staring at the golden lion with heavy hearts.

"Love," Edmund called out. Rosemary hummed in response and glanced over at her boyfriend. His eyes flickered over to her and he signaled for her to come over. She gave Lucy one last squeeze before returning to Edmund's side.

The boy instantly took Rosemary's hand in his own before using his free hand to point at the painting in front of them which showed the Pevensies and Rosemary riding through the forest on their horses as their adult selfs. The brunette smiled softly and leaned against Edmund as she distantly remembered those days where the sun would kiss her skin while the trees danced all around her.

"Look. Susan's bow and arrow," Lucy said causing them all to turn their attention over to the young girl. "Lucy," Caspian called out before holding out a small box that held her dagger and vial of fire-flower juice.

Lucy's face lit up almost instantly and she rushed over to the boy. "My healing cordial and dagger," Lucy said excitedly while Caspian grinned at her. She went to reach for the items, but hesitated, her eyes flickering up to her friend. "Oh, may I?"

"Of course. They're yours," Caspian pointed out before handing the box over to Lucy. His eyes then flickered over to Rosemary and he smiled warmly at her. "And I think being a protector of Narnia will be a lot easier if you had your things as well."

Rosemary grinned. "You have my things?" she asked excitedly as she tried not to bounce up and down. Caspian chuckled and nodded before turning to pick up a few things. When he turned back around, he had Rosemary's sword still in its sheath and her shield in his hands.

Rosemary's smile grew even more as she gently took her belongings. She strapped her shield to her back before grabbing onto the sword and slowly taking it out, the metal instantly glowing in the small sunlight that was streaming through the windows.

The gold initials flickered before her and she looked up at Caspian gratefully. "Thank you," she whispered as she put the sword away and strapped it around her waist. "I told you I would look after it," Caspian replied as he gave her a small nod.

"Peter's sword," Edmund suddenly said as he made his way across the small room and to where his brother's sword was propped up against the wall. "Yes. I looked after it as promised. Here, hold it if you wish," Caspian told him as he held the sword out.

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