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Rosemary wasn't quite sure what had happened the moment she fell through the mirror, but all she knew was that she was falling and falling fast

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Rosemary wasn't quite sure what had happened the moment she fell through the mirror, but all she knew was that she was falling and falling fast. All of her other senses had been snuffed out. Her vision had gone dark, her body numb. There were no sounds, no sights, no other feelings except for the one obvious one that felt as though she were hurtling downwards.

A scream ripped its way through her throat and into the empty darkness around her, sheer panic coursing through her veins as the feeling of falling grew worse and worse.

Rosemary had no clue what was happening and she barely had time to process anything else before it was as though all of the color of the world had suddenly appeared before her very eyes. The darkness was brushed aside and she was met with a startling blue that was joined by swirling shades of green before her body slammed against the ground.

The brunette let out a loud groan at the impact, her back flaring up in pain while her head felt as though it were spinning. Above her was that startling blue which she quickly was beginning to realize belonged to the sky while the swirling shades of greens were trees that she had just fallen through before hitting the ground.

The breath had left her lungs and Rosemary gasped slightly for air as she forced herself to roll over onto her stomach. Her hands instantly gripped onto the ground, balling into fists around the mixture of grass and fallen leaves she found herself upon.

With a huff, Rosemary somehow managed to pull herself up onto her knees, groaning as she did so. Her body felt as though it were on fire and it didn't help that her dress was sticking to her sweaty skin awkwardly enough that each movement felt like she were fighting against herself and a mountain of fabric.

The girl closed her eyes and attempted to catch her breath, knowing she wouldn't be able to figure out what had happened until she calmed herself down. It took a moment, but her breathing finally returned to a normal pace and it was then that she felt her senses all come back to her.

She could feel the sun warming her skin, feel the cool breeze gently blowing through her hair bringing with it the sweet smell of flowers and leaves that had always provided the girl with comfort back when she was just a child wandering through the woods outside her house.

Her heart skipped a beat slightly as she heard the sound of tree branches and leaves rustling in the wind before being followed by a familiar song of joy that she had only ever heard in one place. She knew what the sound was in an instant and it provided a sense of relief that managed to bring a small smile onto her face.

The trees were calling out to her, after all. And she could hear every word as though they were actual people right by her side.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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