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Rosemary woke up the next morning with a smile already creeping on to her face

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Rosemary woke up the next morning with a smile already creeping on to her face. The brunette quickly tried to hide her goofy grin before shaking her head in disbelief.

She felt giddy, like a little school girl, and the fact that she finally felt like she was her age after having a hard time adjusting to being fifteen again was enough to make her smile more.

Rosemary knew it had to do with Edmund and the fact that he had told her he that he loved her. She still couldn't believe that it had actually happened, that after all this time, she had finally found out that Edmund felt the same way.

It was enough to make her heart skip a beat and for a blush to tint her cheeks.

Rosemary shook her head slightly at herself before standing up. She stretched her arms out and while she stretched, she looked around to see that everyone was still asleep.

Knowing that there was no way she would be able to close her eyes again, Rosemary silently made her way to the other side of the room, her gaze falling upon Edmund's sleeping figure once before she slipped out of the room.

Rosemary was outside within a matter of seconds and she took in a deep breath of the cool morning air before looking around. To her surprise, she caught sight of Caspian sitting a little ways away on a small cliff as he looked out in front of him with a look on his face that screamed he was troubled.

Rosemary didn't even think twice before walking over to the boy. The prince's eyes flickered up to look at her before he looked back out in front of him. Rosemary took that as a sign to sit down and sat beside Caspian, a comfortable silence falling upon them.

"What's wrong?" Rosemary finally asked. Caspian give the girl a confused look and she glanced over at him. The prince sighed, knowing that he couldn't keep anything from her, and looked down at his hands.

"Just thinking of my father," Caspian said as he smiled sadly. "Why do you think Professor Cornelius never told me about what happened to him?"

"I don't know," Rosemary admitted making Caspian sigh. "But from what I've heard, he's risked his life all these years so that you could be a better king than the kings before you."

"Then I have failed him," Caspian said as he chuckled sadly. Rosemary glanced at the boy and reached out to put a hand on his forearm. "Don't say that," she told him, but Caspian merely shook his head. "It's true. I've done nothing but disappoint him from the start," Caspian whispered.

"Everything he told you, everything he did, it was only because he believed in you," Rosemary assured him. "You have the chance to become someone extraordinary, Caspian."

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