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When the dragon came flying back without Rosemary in its grasp, Edmund was blinded by his own rage

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When the dragon came flying back without Rosemary in its grasp, Edmund was blinded by his own rage. Anger towards the dragon for taking the girl he loved and anger at himself for his fight with Rosemary being the last thing the couple did consumed him until he was practically shaking.

Edmund swore he saw red as the dragon landed on the ground across from him and the others who had all rowed to shore after seeing Rosemary in the dragon's clutches. He was quick to pull out his sword, ignoring the calls from Lucy and Caspian. He stormed over to the dragon in no time, not bothering to think rationally for a moment and wonder why the dragon wasn't trying to attack him.

"Where is she?" Edmund practically spat out in anger. "What have you done to Rosemary?" Why he expected the dragon to answer was beyond him, but Edmund had learned many years ago that when it came to Rosemary he wasn't exactly a bright thinker.

"Woah!" a voice exclaimed before someone was suddenly jumping off of the dragon's back. "Put the sword away, Eddie. There will be no need for that today."

Edmund froze at the sound of her voice, his eyes instantly flickering over to where the brunette stood with an amused look on her face. Edmund's shoulders slumped in relief almost immediately, the anger leaving his body as he realized the girl was okay.

"Rosemary," he breathed out before putting his sword back in its place and running forward in an attempt to close the distance between the two as quick as possible. Edmund wrapped his arms around the girl in an instant, digging his face into the crook of her neck as he relished in the feeling of having her in his arms.

Rosemary was okay. She was safe.

Edmund only half payed attention to the way Rosemary tensed under his touch, remembering briefly their argument and realizing how surprised the girl must've been to get this reaction. But Edmund couldn't think much on it because he was suddenly becoming aware of the dragon once again and he pulled Rosemary away from the creature instantly, a frown on his face as he positioned himself between her and the dragon.

The others had joined them and Rosemary looked around as she heard the swords being pulled from their sheaths as everyone glared at the dragon, ready to fight if necessary.

"Woah there!" Rosemary exclaimed as she pushed past Edmund in order to stand in front of the dragon. She held her hands up and looked around at the others, hesitating on Edmund, Lucy, and Caspian who were all giving her confused looks. "I would like it if you all didn't point your swords at my friend here."

"Friend?" Reepicheep questioned. "Your Majesty, if you haven't noticed, your friend is a dragon."

"And you are a mouse, are you not?" Rosemary retorted, narrowing her eyes in a way that made Reepicheep lower his head sheepishly. She was using the voice she used when it came to being royalty and a protector and when she was in a mood like that, she did not refrain from speaking her mind.

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