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"So, what do you think is in there?"

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"So, what do you think is in there?"

Rosemary looked at the fog covered island in front of them, the green light shining through in places and making her feel a bit queasy. She would be lying if she said the island didn't freak her out, but she knew she would have to stay strong for the crew.

"Our worst nightmares," Edmund muttered making Rosemary sigh and shake her head for she knew that wasn't helping the situation at all. The boy glanced at her and shrugged helplessly. The corners of Rosemary's lips turned up slightly and she wrapped her arms around Edmund's arm before leaning into his side, her face nuzzled against his shoulder.

"Our darkest wishes," Caspian suggested, his voice grave and his eyes holding a haunted look within.

"Pure evil," Drinian said, his tone making Rosemary shiver a bit as she wondered what exactly they would have to face. It could be anything for all they knew. What if she was unable to protect everyone?

"Tavros, unlock the armory," Drinian spoke to the Minotaur who nodded before walking off. "Archers, prepare yourselves."

"Aye, Captain."

"Light the lanterns!"

The crew began to yell shouts of command as they moved around the deck and Rosemary got lost in watching them before Caspian turned to her, Edmund, and Lucy. "Let's get ready," he said and the three nodded before Rosemary and Edmund followed after Caspian and Lucy went off with Gael.

It didn't take long for Rosemary to suit up, years and years of strapping on armor meaning it only took a matter of minutes to have everything on and ready. Since they were on a boat and not on land the armor was a lot lighter and easier to move in which Rosemary was grateful for. Her sword hung by her side, her father's initials flashing by her hip when she moved, while her hair had been pulled back into a ponytail that she knew was bound to fall out sooner or later.

Now she stood staring at the shield in her hands. The one she had received from Santa all of those years ago had been lost long ago, so now she stood with Peter's shield in her hands. Rosemary suddenly felt worse than she had only moments before, her thoughts being consumed by the realization that she was about to fight without Peter and she had no idea how she was going to be able to do it.

She couldn't stop thinking of her nightmares—the sea serpent, the fighting, how she had gotten so many people killed because she was leading the army without Peter. What if that all came true? What if everyone fell because she was unfit to lead by herself?

She couldn't do this without her best friend. There was just no way.

"Rosemary, love, are you okay? Or is that shield really that interesting?" Edmund questioned as he came up from behind, gently placing a hand on her shoulder as he looked to her with concern.

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