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Rosemary had never felt more uneasy than she did in that moment

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Rosemary had never felt more uneasy than she did in that moment. She had dreamed of returning to Narnia, to be able to breath in the air and feel at home for the first time in years, but this was not what she had expected.

Learning that the Telmarines has taken over the land, that all of her friends were dead, that Cair Paravel had fallen, and that they had only been summoned because some boy named Caspian had blown Susan's horn signaling for them to come back. . .it was nothing that she could've dreamed of.

When she imagined returning to Narnia, she had envisioned returning to the castle where their friends and family would be awaiting them and would rejoice for their return. She imagined Aslan greeting them and saying that he had been the one to bring them back.

It was heartbreaking to know that that was nothing but a dream. It was even more heartbreaking to know that Narnia was less and less like the home she remembered.

The trees were what had really gotten to her. They were still, quiet, and cold. It made Narnia even more foreign to her than it already was and she hated it. The silence was killing her.

"They're so still," Lucy commented as she looked up at the trees. They were currently in the boat that they had stolen from the Telmarines which Peter was rowing. Rosemary sat next to Edmund who kept glancing at her worriedly, but she pretended not to notice.

"And so quiet," Rosemary whispered as she nervously fiddled with her necklace, the same necklace that was supposed to summon the trees. It hadn't been working despite her attempts and that only made her more worried.

"They're trees. What'd you expect?" the dwarf asked. Rosemary's face fell even more and she let out a shaky breath.

"They used to dance in the wind," she whispered as if she were in some sort of trance. Everyone's eyes fell on her and they could all clearly see the sadness and hurt that was on her face. "They would talk too, even sing. They had such sweet voices."

Edmund's hand brushed against her own before he intertwined their fingers together. He rubbed a thumb across the top of her hand comfortingly and she let out a sigh and leaned her head against his shoulder while he rested his head on top of hers.

"Wasn't long after you left that the Telmarines invaded," the dwarf finally said. Rosemary's eyes flickered up to look at him and he looked back at her with what seemed to be a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Those who survived retreated to the woods. And the trees. . .well, when they found out that their queen had vanished, they retreated so deep into themselves that they haven't been heard from since."

Rosemary's eyes filled with tears slightly as she listened to that. "This is all my fault," she whispered the words that she had been saying in her head ever since they left Narnia.

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