Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

    This area in the east of the city is also a village in the city, but because of the late construction, the planning is much neater than that in the west of the city. Because of this, in winter, the drafts howl in the small roads, making the windows of every house creak.

    Qi Chu found a corner and gathered her clothes together, saying that winter in the south is a magical attack, no matter how many clothes she wears, it is heart-piercingly cold, and most of the clothes are almost burned, she almost put I put on everything I could wear, but I was still shivering from the cold.

    When I came here, I was riding Huang Mao's modified electric car, and it was so cold that she wanted to knock Huang Mao unconscious halfway.

    I don't understand the thinking of the ghost fire youth, the electric car is still driving so fast in winter, is it because the frozen face looks so handsome? Or blowing the hair to the back of the skull saves pomade?

    Huang Mao felt Qi Chu's anger, and led the way silently, not daring to say a word.

    The original grandmother had a 5-story self-built house in the east of the city. The 1-2 floors were for self-occupation, the 3-5 floors were rented out, and there were 3 suites on the first floor. The rent could fully support the two. A lazy child, but even if food and clothing are not a problem, no one will cherish things that are earned for nothing.

    Like money borrowed or cheated from the original mother.

    The original grandmother said that the money between brothers and sisters can be said to be borrowed?

    Yes, it is actually a gift, anyway, it is impossible to pay back. Now that the person dies, there is no IOU, and even the debt is wiped out. Even if the original body is about to starve to death on the side of the road, the family will not pay back the money.

    The original mother worked so hard all her life, not only spending all her money on others, but also inexplicably burdened with debts.

    Now Aunt Lin Lan is planning to make Qi Chu bear the debt.

    Ridiculous, when I am a former Yuanying Dzogchen is dead?

    It seems that he has been dead for a long time.

    The lights were on in the room, and the people inside should not be asleep yet. Huang Mao asked Qi Chu if he wanted to knock on the door with his eyes, Qi Chu nodded, found a dark place, turned on his phone and hid.

    It would be best for Lin Huang to admit his crime, but Qi Chu is not so naive.

    Sure enough, when Lin Huang opened the door and saw Huang Mao, the first thing he said was: "Is it done?"

    Huang Mao shook his head, not daring to turn his head to look at Qi Chu.

    Lin Huang seemed to be very dissatisfied with the result, shaking his legs impatiently, and said a few times: "You guys can't even handle a little girl, what a bunch of trash!" Huang Mao was furious when he heard

    it He turned his head: "You do what you want! Why are you being so cruel to me here, you really think you are what Lin Huang is! An old man who really thinks he has a few stinky money is not the same as a waste! What's the difference with us!"

    The volume of the two of them unconsciously increased, Qi Chu stood aside, he didn't expect to see the firecrackers right before the New Year, and wanted to give them a round of applause.

    Huangmao's taunting skills and so on can make his life a little worse when he goes to prison in the future.

    Together with her good-for-nothing uncle, Qi Chu was really looking forward to it.

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