Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

    Qi Chu was in the proving ground, and she didn't know the outside situation. She was still concentrating on killing monsters. Counting the number of monsters detected by her spiritual power, she was calculating today's harvest in her mind. If she can make money, she almost wants to piss everyone off.

    After all, she is also their senior.

    Qi Chu found that another person was also fighting on the other side of the trial ground, counted the monsters in his area, and did the math with simple addition and subtraction. Killing another ten would definitely win. She didn't hesitate, and found a monster In the area with the largest number, there is a Void Destroyer Talisman up there, killing a group of rat monsters.

    "Oh, what a great harvest." Qi Chu grinned to himself, bent down, and picked up magic stones one by one. On a whim, it would be great if there was a magic weapon that automatically recovered magic stones. She even thought of the lower realm It only needs to be slightly modified...

    Suddenly, a huge spiritual power appeared behind her out of thin air, with a murderous look.

    She leaned to the right, and a silver-white sword slashed directly at the position where she was squatting just now. The sword energy flashed white, and a long crack was split in the ground.

    "Isn't the reaction quite quick?" A delicate voice rang in my ear, just now the other party really wanted her life.

    Qi Chu leaped back, distanced himself, and looked warily at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him.

    The woman is wearing a red Taoist robe, and the cloud and mountain patterns embroidered with gold thread are shining in the sun.

    Peak Lord's clothes?

    But this person, Qi Chu had no image at all, since it was the first time we met, why did he kill him.

    "Who are you?" Qi Chu's words were cold, and he put on a posture of complete defense.

    "Since you are going to enter Yuntianzong, you don't even know this dress?" The woman raised her chin, slid her fingers across the embroidery thread, looked Qi Chu up and down, and sneered, "What a beautiful fox I was then , but a shriveled and thin cabbage."

    Qi Chu felt that she had been connoted. Although the original owner was thin and weak, there was still something that should be there. She puffed up her chest and choked back, "It turns out that from the top to the bottom of your sect, they say one thing and do another. It says fairness and fairness, but the peak master said that he is above Jindan, and unexpectedly came to attack a student who has not yet established a foundation. Is it possible that the peak master is worried that I won you today, and I will have no face to face others? I still want to show it to the outside world. Outer sect disciples taking a class that only talks about the result and not the means?"

    "You! Okay! You are really eloquent, let me tell you, the mirror outside is mine, you really think that you can threaten others by saying these words. Me, no one is coming in from outside now, and no one has seen it. It is still too late for you to ask me for mercy, as long as you promise me that you will not step into Yuntianzong again, I will spare your life."     " Begging for mercy? That is really going to disappoint your expectations, I have never begged for mercy in my life." Qi Chu sneered, since no one can see, no one will know that he uses Yuntianzong's sword technique, this person I don't want to expose my behavior, so naturally I won't say it.     Qi Chu meditated on the mental method, pouring spiritual power into the sword body, and the sword body hummed accordingly.     "You! Isn't it just the body training period?" Su Yuqing was a little shocked. Even she was still unable to introduce spiritual power into the sword so smoothly, and she felt a sense of crisis.     A voice said from the bottom of my heart: kill her.     "Yes, I'm still in the body training stage." Qi Chu deliberately smiled obediently.     "You! You're playing tricks on me! You really think that I, Su Yuqing, dare not kill you. You are just a trainee student who dares to talk to me like that." Seeing the point of the sword stab at Qi Chu again, Qi Chu not only walked away alone Bit dodges, parrying her blow with his sword.     "Su Yuqing?" Qi Chu searched for names in his mind, and suddenly thought of something, "Are you Su Zhen's daughter?" It is said that Su Zhen had     a daughter before he formed an alchemy. Unexpectedly, his daughter not only successfully established the foundation, but also became the sky The peak master of the sect, Qi Chu found it interesting, but why did this person come to kill her? It can be said that she met this person for the first time.

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