Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

    Although the magic weapon used to test spiritual power exploded in the end, the previous value was obvious to all. Qi Chu transferred to the cultivation class on the second day, and Lu Li also transferred to the class.

    One of them gave out a new piece of clothing, a black robe from a comprehension class.

    She took the robe back and forth several times and found that it was really an ordinary robe, not a cassock.

    Is it because of the peace of the world that there is no need to issue a vestment to the students of cultivation! Xianmeng is really picky.

    Sighing, he put on the outer robe he had just received and went home.

    After recovering from her foot injury, the magic iron didn't go to school with her. The original excuse was that it was a crutch, but now, the reason for carrying the magic iron is no longer valid. She is not used to the lack of a handy weapon.

    It doesn't matter to Ah Ling, it's better to say that he doesn't have to face Dajianxiu with trepidation, and he is more or less relieved.

    As soon as she got home, Magic Iron immediately noticed the somewhat special robe on her body.

    "You, transferred to the comprehension class?" Ah Ling got out of the magic iron and walked around her a few times.

    "You've already discovered it. How about it, doesn't it look good?" Raising his hand, Qi Chu also turned around.

    "Where... Lu Li?" Ah Ling thought that guy was a stalker, and most likely he went in too.

    "Well, let's turn around together. You also know that his spiritual power is so high. It's a pity if he doesn't cultivate." Qi Chu put his schoolbag on the stool and stretched.

    The money for the funeral expenses of the original owner's mother was finally able to be paid off now. After getting the bank account number of the other party, she immediately transferred the money there. Looking at the remaining deposit in the mobile bank, she sighed deeply.

    Houses need to be repaired, furniture and appliances need to be repurchased, and life in the lower world needs money everywhere.

    The courses of the comprehension class are not the real content of comprehension. All the mental methods that can be learned need to be qualified to learn after officially joining the sect. The first step of comprehension is to exercise, so the morning class of the comprehension class is a 5000-meter long-distance run .

    This was killing Qi Chu, at first she was able to catch up breathlessly, after one lap, she gradually distanced herself from the main force, and after four laps, she was overtaken by one lap.

    Countless times I want to raise my hand to say that she has entered Qi training and does not need to exercise, but I can't explain how I skipped the exercise period, and I can't tell them that I was washed with marrow washing liquid.

    The original owner was too weak, and she felt lung pain after running a few steps, and her whole body ached. If this continues, she might not be able to get the scholarship, and she might die. Listening to the wind blowing by her ears, Qi Chu hummed ring.

    The matter of alchemy must also be brought up on the agenda, but right now it's not just a matter of raw materials, she doesn't even have magic tools for alchemy.

    Yao Yun saw that Qi Chu's face had turned blue when he reached the fifth lap, so he stopped immediately, "Rest first, don't force yourself, and tell the teacher if you feel uncomfortable." As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Yun Yun stretched out his hand worryingly, intending to use spiritual power to check her physical condition, when he saw Lu Li walking over with a very scary expression.

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