Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

    Qi Chu sat in the quaint room, looking around with some nostalgia. Although Yunquefeng was not her residence, she had come here before. At that time, the deputy head spent a lot of money in exchange for a top-grade pill from the Jade Flame Sect. Furnaces, looking at the entire cultivation world, are all first-class good products.

    And Qi Chu often came to Yunque Peak in order to make alchemy for Lu Yun and teach him alchemy. After so many years, some of the furnishings are still exactly the same as before.

    Qi Chu looked at the bandage on his face and smiled helplessly. In the past, she was the one who healed other people's diseases and made alchemy for others, but now it's all reversed.

    She slowly moved towards the door. The lower realms say that after a meal, you can walk a hundred steps and live to ninety-nine. Since your most important goal is no longer cultivation, you have to exercise your body well so that you can save money.

    There was a gust of wind, and the wooden door was blown open, hitting the door frame back and forth, creaking.

    Qi Chu was circling around in a daze for half a second, then turned around and moved to the door, and was about to close the door when a pair of slender hands unexpectedly stretched out from the night and grabbed her bandage-wrapped hands.

    "Who!" Qi Chu wanted to pull back his hand, but found that he couldn't pull it back at all. With the other hand, he quickly made a formula, ready to use the hard-won spiritual power to strike first.     But in the next second, a Lu Li with an overly bright smile appeared in front of her, which made her tense nerves relax slightly. Before she could ask, she was pulled over and hugged in her arms.     "Lu... Lu... Lu Li, you, what are you doing?" Unprepared for the sudden change, Qi Chu felt his mind was in chaos.     "It's great to see that you're fine~" Lu Li's body trembled slightly, making Qi Chu's tense body relax again.     "I'm fine, fine." Qi Chu put his hand on the other's back and patted it lightly, just like what he did when his junior brother was having nightmares.     Lu Li's trembling gradually stopped, and he hugged him for a while before finally letting him go, but his eyes were bloodshot, as if he had just cried.

    Qi Chu saw his face covered in bandages from the eyes of the other party, and burst out laughing, "It's really hard for you, you can recognize me even if I wrap it up like this." Lu Li didn't seem to agree with this statement, but

    put The face got closer, and said with a faint smile: "The eyes are still exposed, aren't they?"

    Fortunately, they were wrapped in bandages, and Qi Chu felt a little embarrassed to be looked at so closely by a child, "I... ..."

    Before she could say anything, she saw a pair of huge hands brushing towards her face with a warm fragrance, "You..."

    Lu Li looked down from above, with no light in his dark eyes, "Don't move!" , the bandage here seems to be loose."

    As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Chu held his breath and froze in place, not because he was obedient, but because the other party's breath was too close, even the heat wave on his nose was sticking face over.

    She could only move her eyes limitedly, and bit her lower lip tightly, for fear that if she moved, she would bump into the other party.

    I saw Lu Li lowered his head, and slightly lifted a piece of bandage on her cheek with his fingers. With this mention, all the bandages fell apart, and Lu Li sighed softly, "It's all loose. I'll help you rewrap it." It was just a simple sentence

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