Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

    Floating up and down as if floating in mid-air, Qi Chu turned her head, her eyes were full of black and red color-block walls overlapping and smudged, she guessed that she was in a closed space, and the air was still filled with There was a unique smell of rust, and it seemed that she could vaguely hear someone calling her, but the voice was very far away.

    She tried to raise her hands and found that she only had one hand, and she tried to raise her leg again, but there was only one.

    There was still dripping water in the strange space, and there was a faint warmth on her face. When she wanted to touch it, a sharp knife suddenly came and pierced her heart.

    She sat up abruptly, and with a bang, her forehead hurt, and she realized that she had bumped into something. When she opened her eyes, the white top was in front of her eyes, and the sound of beeping was also hovering above her head, "Here is ..." Before he could finish speaking, the sudden inertia pushed her back to the bed.

    "What's wrong?" The driver asked loudly in the front row, and slammed on the brakes.

    The nurses were stunned for half a second with surprised expressions, and quickly answered the driver: "It's nothing, the patient... is up."

    Seeing that the person on the stretcher wanted to get up again, the nurse and the doctor quickly put the person in place, "Lie down first. Wait, don't move around, do you know your name? How old are you?"

    "Qi Chu, 17 years old." Qi Chu turned her head and figured out her current situation. She was in an ambulance.

    "Well, do you remember what happened just now?" The doctor glanced at the monitor after speaking, with a puzzled expression on his face.

    Qi Chu nodded, his aura fluttered.

    But the hospital in the lower realm should not be able to cure her. She forced a smile and said, "It should be, fainted?

    " It's dangerous, you lie down first, and we'll contact your relatives when we get to the hospital." The nurse held Qi Chu down, not allowing her to get up again.

    Although she couldn't figure out what was going on, but after going to the hospital for a full examination, she found that there was nothing abnormal about her body.

    "Little girl, have you contacted your family?" Qi Chu was placed in the observation ward, and the hospital wouldn't let her go. She could only lie on the bed honestly. Anyway, the money was paid, and she simply lay in the hospital and used the air conditioner .

    "I have no family." Qi Chu said calmly.

    The nurse sighed silently after hearing this, and asked her to observe in the hospital for one night before considering going back. Qi Chu thought about sleeping, not to mention there was heating here, so he readily agreed.

    She entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness to investigate when no one was paying attention, but after checking the operation of her spiritual power, she found that there was nothing wrong with it, and everything was normal.

    Her stomach growled, she gave up thinking, went to the canteen to buy a hospital lunch box, and then went to the emergency department where she broke her foot, hoping to pay back the money that was paid by others.

    When she reached the door, she found that it was closed. She wanted to knock, but just as she stepped forward, the door clicked, and a person came out. The two almost collided, and Qi Chu hurriedly took a big step back.

    "Ah, not a little bit, did it scare you?" The man shyly scratched his hair.

    Qi Chu took a closer look, only to find that the man was wearing a white cardigan on the upper body, and the bottom of the robe was embroidered with the Yunshan pattern representing Yuntianzong.

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