Chapter 91 - 100

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Chapter 91

    Inside the Xianmeng, there is a circular conference hall for trials, and people from various sects generally do not need to be present directly. Instead of real people, there are video images projected from the screens.

    According to the nature of the case, the Immortal League will notify each sect and send the corresponding person in charge to participate, like Qi Chu is just a preparatory disciple of the inner sect, not even a disciple of the outer sect, so Bai Ling, who is in charge of the outer sect, has become Yun Tian Zong's representatives at the trial.

    Qi Chu was "invited" out of the cage, and put on handcuffs and shackles with spells engraved on them. Even neck shackles were "intimately" prepared around her neck. The heavy shackles looked like a prisoner waiting for execution.     Standing in the center of the trial conference hall, she looked up, and all the sects that should have been on the screen had arrived at the scene for an unprecedented time, and the eyes standing on the high platform looked down at her.     Sitting right in front of him is Su Zhen, the leader of the Immortal League.     Qi Chu looked around, but there were still familiar faces, Mu Cangzong Xin Wenchi, Yuntianzong Bai Ling, Shuixizong Xiao Xue, Yuyanzong Liu Shuo.     The corners of her mouth slightly raised, ignoring the numbness in her throat, as if the electric current in the cage just now had never existed before, her voice was loud and resounded throughout the courtroom: "I don't know what crime I committed. You are so motivating to invite me here."     Xin Wenchi stood closest to Su Zhen and sneered, "Selling spells, hurting others, colluding with demon cultivators, which one do you think you didn't do?" Qi Chu: "I sell spells     . ? Is there any law that says you can’t sell talismans? Hurt others? Who did I hurt? Collusion with demon cultivators? Do you have evidence? Forcibly brought me without my consent, confiscated my personal belongings, and illegally detained| Forbidden, isn’t the Immortal League flaunting justice? Flaunting order, is this justice in the cultivation world? Hmph, it’s better to rely on strength to speak hundreds of years ago, who is this pretending for now?” “You! Okay, what evidence do you want     ? I'll give you evidence." Xin Wenchi pointed at the monk standing at the door, "Bring him up, I'll see how you can argue."     Yang Hua was escorted in by two monks, but her hands and feet were all Free, much better than her condition.

    Yang Hua looked at her with a sorry face.

    Qi Chu returned an indifferent smile.

    Yang Hua was placed on the witness stand 3 meters away from Qi Chu. Xin Wenchi was obviously one of the representatives of the sect, but as if he was presiding over the trial, he spoke again: "Although you are no longer a monk, I hope you don't Forget the determination of monks to subdue demons and righteous ways, tell the truth, and don’t do anything for tigers.”

    After speaking, Su Zhen raised his hand to stop Xin Wenchi’s speech, he sat up straight, with a regretful expression on his face, “I don’t want to believe it either, how many times Years have passed, talents in the comprehension world are withering, and the suzerains are seeing that the end is approaching, and demonic cultivation is rampant. The comprehension world needs fresh power and young blood. We are all looking forward to rising stars, but we have never thought that there are too many temptations and desires in the world. Big, young monk, it is too easy to go astray."

    Qi Chu: ...

    "Although you made a mistake, we are also in pain, and we have to deal with such an excellent newcomer, but there is no way, we bear too much responsibility, I hope you can understand."

    Qi Chu was about to vomit, and after being reborn, she felt that Su Zhen was doing nothing, pretending to be the number one, and looking at it closely, she was even more sure that her feelings were correct.

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