Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

    "Master, what about Qian..." Li Yan glanced at the deserted Demon Lord's Hall and closed his mouth.

    Qi Chu saw Li Yan's thoughts, didn't speak, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Stop kneeling, get up, let your subordinates see you kneeling in front of a foundation cultivator, the face of your demon lord Where do you want to put it?"

    Li Yan stood up from the ground unwillingly, and wiped away the tears on his face, as if the cruel and merciless demon lord when they first met was another person.

    Qi Chu looked at Li Yan, his eyes became more and more complicated, and even his tone was a bit reproachful: "Li Yan, I don't need to ask you about the demon lord, but why can the demon smoothly sneak into the lower realm? All the monsters can enter the school, and the demon cultivator swaggers to kill people in the lower realm, who in the cultivation world is cooperating with you?"

    If the intrusion of the demon and demon is forced to be explained as an accident, then the swaggering appearance of the demon cultivator does not make sense at all.

    Li Yan knew that if this person was really Qi Chu, he could no longer hide what he had done, "Yes." Li Yan didn't hesitate, he had vaguely noticed that things went too smoothly every time, but at that time he was blinded by hatred. He closed his eyes, so he didn't think about it at all.

    "Is it the Xianmeng?" Qi Chu could hardly think of anyone else, only this sect had the most frequent contacts with the lower realms, and it was also the easiest to cause so-called accidents, but what good would the Xianmeng do for them? ?

    Xianmeng couldn't even handle the basic task of eliminating demons.


    Qi Chu remembered that the leader's luxury car still had ostentation, so the lack of manpower is real, but the free demon removal is probably fake. Since you can't get free ones, spending money to eliminate disasters has become the first choice of many people. Since there is no corresponding fee, how much to charge and how to charge, it is not that the Xianmeng family is the only one, and even because it is a plea, it has also established the Xianmeng in the lower realm. status.

    The leader really has a good plan.

    Qi Chu frowned thoughtfully, and Li Yan lowered his head in pleading guilty. In the past few hundred years of his insanity, he hardly took care of specific matters. He just blindly ordered them to make trouble for Yuntianzong. Among them, Fei Shan is the one who enjoys this job the most. He hasn't even thought about how Fei Shan throws demons into the lower realm. The guardian circles set up by various sects will send out alarms as long as monsters enter. Over the years, it has never been discovered before the accident.

    Qi Chu looked at Li Yan with a piercing gaze: "So the things in the lower realms are all ordered by you?"

    Li Yan nodded first with difficulty, then shook his head: "Master, I'm sorry, I failed your teaching But I really don’t know about the Xianmeng matter, maybe saying these things seems to be sophistry, but before the master said, I never thought about how Feishan did it.” Hearing Feishan’s name

    , Qi Chu's expression turned cold: "Li Yan, Fei Fan must die, no matter in the past or now, you know, how many people has he tortured and killed in the past thousand years?" Of course Li Yan knew, but he could

    use Fei Shan was the only Moxiu who arrived, "Okay, it's all up to you."

    Yu Muran half-kneeled outside the door, covering his chest with one hand, and bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

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