Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

    Cui Hongxin raised his eyes, there seemed to be anger in his eyes, and even his tone became a little bit stiff: "What is the meaning of Master Lu?" Lu Wu unhurriedly

    pointed at the entrance of the secret realm: "After I opened the secret realm, I found There are rules and restrictions inside."

    "Rules and restrictions? I'm afraid it's not the rules of head Lu." Cui Hongxin had something in his words.

    Faced with Cui Hongxin's repeated provocations, Lu Wu was not annoyed at all, "If the head Cui doesn't believe it, just give it a try."

    Cui Hongxin didn't care about Lu Wu's words, and he really walked towards the boulder with his sword in his hand. When he touched the boulder, the boulder actually emitted a powerful spiritual power, and it bounced him away with force.

    Everyone couldn't help being shocked when they saw that Cui Hongxin was thrown to the ground without any defense. Although Cui Hongxin was not as good as Lu Wu, he was at least a cultivator at the transformation stage. He was in such a mess, and the lords of other sects didn't dare to act rashly.

    Cui Hongxin was helped up by Xiao Xue, and he shook his sleeves angrily, "Lu Wu, what tricks are you playing again!"

    Lu Wu just stood with his hands behind his back, and the aura on his body was enough to frighten everyone present. At the time, he looked a little displeased: "In the ancient secret realm, there are precedents for the rules, so why should head Cui spout blood? Although I, Lu, don't like fighting, but if head Cui insists on provoking disputes, I, Yuntianzong, will definitely accompany you to the end When these

    words came out, Medicine Sect and Qi Sect, who were still confronting each other just now, immediately fell silent.

    Su Zhen smiled and smoothed things over again: "Master Cui just made a slip of the tongue, please don't mind Mr. Lu. The ancient secret realm has not been discovered for many years, and everyone is happy, so they lost an inch. Mr. Lu is the head of the cultivation world, everyone How dare they start a dispute with Yuntianzong."

    Qi Chu listened to him repeatedly and secretly praised him, this kind of praise is really wonderful, and it is really well-known by Yin and Yang people.

    Lu Wu didn't give Su Zhen a single look, and continued: "As far as I know, the rules in this ancient secret realm are that only monks below Jindan can enter. , each family can send disciples to enter together.”

    Qi Chu rubbed his little hands. Below Jindan, she and Lu Li have just established their foundations, so they can have the opportunity to enter this new secret realm. Although there are some competitors, it will not be a problem.

    All the sects said in unison: "Okay."

    At this moment, Xin Wenchi and Yao Yun from the Mucang Sect, Xiao Xue from the Shuixi Sect, Bai Ling from the Yuntian Sect, and some unnamed Jindan monks, a total of more than 10 people have gathered At the entrance to the secret realm.

    Qi Chu pulled Lu Li to follow the team quietly, but when Yao Yun noticed, he reached out to stop the two of them.

    Yao Yun lowered his voice and reminded Qi Chu: "You two just built the foundation, don't join in the fun!"

    Su Zhen was rare to stand by Qi Chu's side: "Oh, Teacher Yao Yun, although you are their teacher at school, But now they are also the default disciples of Yuntianzong, and Teacher Yao Yun has crossed the line." Yao Yun

    looked at Su Zhen in surprise, a little surprised: "No, leader, the unexplored secret realm, Jindan cultivators can't guarantee to get out of it unscathed. , They are just children."

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