Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

    The teaching director has always held a grudge against Qi Chu's impoliteness last time, and now he has another chance to be justified, how could he miss the opportunity, "Qi Chu, come to the office for me!" "Wow, the teaching director is here, she is

    dead Oh, I heard that last time she offended the dean at the school gate."

    "That guy will take revenge."

    "I won't call her parents again."

    "Parents, how can she have parents?"

    This sentence said After that, the surroundings instantly became quiet, and even Feng Yi, who was the first to find fault, looked at her meaningfully.

    Lu Li walked over and stood in front of Qi Chu, and the surroundings seemed to have forgotten the silence just now, and one by one groaned.

    "Who are you and what do you want to do!" Lu Li wasn't wearing a school uniform, but Yao Yun didn't dare to let others wear it. Seeing Lu Li stand up, Yao Yun rushed between the two of them on high heels.     "Director Guo!" Yao Yun hastily pulled the dean away, "

    I have something to tell you."

Union what does this mean.

    The dean's face darkened: "If you have something to say, just say it here!" Yao Yun simply smashed the jar, "     Director

    Guo, are you sure you want to say it here?"

Knowing the relationship with this girl, he embarrasses him once or twice, and if he doesn't gain prestige this time, how can he hold his head up among the students in the future: "Is there anything you can't say here!" Yao Yun sighed: "

    Okay Well, last time you asked me about Shengfa Pill for you..."

    After hearing the three words Shengfa Pill, the dean's face turned from black to green, from green to red, and he immediately stopped him and continued. Yao Yun who continued to talk: "Do you have to talk about this kind of thing here!"

    Yao Yun snorted coldly, "It's what you said that you can't say here."

    In unison, everyone's eyes were on the head of the teaching director. Could it be... the wig?

    "What are you looking at! Go to class for me. If you're so free, the homework for each class will be doubled!" The dean blushed with anger, "Qi Chu, Feng Yi, and the one who didn't wear the school uniform, come to the office for me together Come!"

    Qi Chu patted Lu Li who was standing in front of him with an expression of going away, "Don't be nervous, it's okay, can you still eat me?" "

    Eat..." Lu Li froze in place. , Yao Yun secretly stood beside Lu Li, and said tremblingly, "Senior, because your identity is required to be kept secret, so... Please come, senior." Lu Li finally recovered, followed behind without saying a word

    . .

    The dean was so angry that he was walking around in the office. Since someone reported cheating, it would be easy to handle. Of course, he had to take the exam again in front of him. Judging from the correct rate, you can know whether there was cheating in the Qi Chu exam. It is said that the test scores are the same, but the difference between the first and the last one in age can still be qualitative from the paper.

    He didn't believe that if Ziwei Xing came into the world, it would be impossible for him to become number one in the adult class overnight from the bottom of a grade, ha ha.

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