Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    Qi Chu didn't notice the interaction between the two behind him at all, and focused all his attention on the Baidu map, looking for the 5A scenic spot.

    5A Scenic Area, if it is not for the environmental protection in place, or the historical sites are well preserved, such a blessed place, ordinary people can enter with a ticket, Qi Chu has to lament the convenience of modern civilization.

    Qi Chu found 5A in Quanzhou City, and chose the most remote one, known as the green lung of the city, the oxygen bar of the city—Chonglianshan Forest Park. The ticket is only 10 yuan, and there is no money to go to the mountain before 6 am. Qi Chu decided to get up at 4 am tomorrow morning.

    On the way home, she called Yang Hua and borrowed the electric car.

    Chonglian Mountain covers a large area, but the highest height is only 500 meters. Compared with Yunkun Mountain, where Yuntianzong is located, which is more than 3,000 meters high, Chonglian Mountain probably cannot be called a mountain, but can only be called a hill, so electric cars are enough to run all over Chonglian Mountain.

    Yang Hua drove the electric car to the downstairs of Qi Chu's house early and waited. When she saw the boy following Qi Chu from a distance, she suddenly became interested and joked, "Isn't this handsome guy I met in the antique city last time?" That? Yo, little girl, although you say no, you are very honest physically, and you have brought him home now."

    Qi Chu stared at Yang Hua, "Is that all you can think about?" Then he held his hand Stretched it over, "Where's the key?"

    After Yang Hua handed the key to Qi Chu, she went around behind her and greeted Lu Li, "Hello, handsome boy, I'm this little girl's friend, my name is Yang Hua, you Just call me Brother Yang, what's your name?" Seeing Lu Li ignoring him, he smiled again, "Yo, the handsome guy is quite aloof."

    Lu Li stood there expressionless, without even looking at him. Give Yang Hua one, perfectly playing the role of a puppet, but the coldness in his eyes is much stronger.

    Qi Chu was afraid that Yang Hua would find out something, so he hurried over to stand in front of Lu Li, and changed the subject, "Go to Lao Liu when you have nothing to do, didn't you find something strange?"

    Hearing the strange thing, Yang Hua immediately cheered up, "Oh, don't tell me it's really strange, there are a few children in this area in the west of the city who started to have a high fever. As I said, I stood by the window and screamed strangely in the middle of the night. I went to the hospital for several checkups but couldn't find out the cause of the disease. Moreover, the children living in that area were getting sick one after another, which made several parents panic. , I heard that someone went to Xianmeng, but Xianmeng said that there is not enough manpower recently, let them register and wait, what do you think is all this?" Qi Chu thought about it, and the matter of the     red flame spider was enough Xianmeng has a headache, how can they care about the sickness of a few children, "Go and ask first, have the children drank any unclean water, do they know each other, have they met before, and take a picture if you can." I’ll watch some videos of them screaming, and I’m going to go to the mountains for something these two days, the phone may have no signal, I’ll be back on Sunday, and call me if there’s something urgent.” “Go to the     mountains ? Why are you going to the mountains? Just the two of you? Tsk tsk tsk, young people really know how to play."     Qi Chu didn't bother to answer his unscrupulous thoughts, "If you have nothing to do, go and investigate what you just said, and tell them, If we need to deal with it, there will be a charge." As soon as she finished speaking, she led Lu Li upstairs.     Yang Hua said: "Okay, okay." Then she left in a bored manner, without complaining, "The little girl is so cute."     After entering the house, Qi Chu remembered that there was only one seat in this room. The chair, which can sleep, is only a bed.     In winter, people can't let people sleep on the floor, and even though he didn't do it voluntarily, he came to help.     Qi Chu glanced at Lu Li who was expressionless, and sighed, "Okay, let's sleep together."     After finishing speaking, she first put Lu Li on the chair in the living room, then went into the room to search for pillows and left them behind. One person and one iron in the living room.     Ah Ling finally couldn't help but secretly said: "I, let me tell you first, make it clear, I didn't tell the master not because I was afraid of you, but because you saved her, but if you, you dare to bully her, don't blame me Be the first to tell her your true nature! You, don't try to take advantage of her."

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