Chapter 121 - 130

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Chapter 121

    Before reciting a few sentences of Wuyu Xinfa, she felt that she was obviously not an easily swayed person, so what was she doing reciting that thing, she simply walked into Lu Li's bedroom frankly, stood behind Lu Li indifferently, and put The man was arranged on the chair, and he took off his clothes gracefully.

    But the movement of undressing was so smooth that she didn't even notice that there was anything wrong with it.

    It's just that her eyes were attracted by Lu Li's back muscles. She didn't expect not only the abdominal muscles, but also the muscles on the back to be beautiful. It was the marks on the back that looked like postmarks, which ruined the beauty. She wrinkled slightly. He frowned and sighed lightly.

    The cool wind climbed up Lu Li's back from behind, and he was trembling imperceptibly, and his ears gradually turned red.

    It's just that Qi Chu didn't notice these subtle changes at all. She put the trauma powder on her fingertips, put her finger on the wound and gently wiped it away, rubbing the wound with her fingertips with the powder, it hurt slightly, but Like ten thousand ants scratching at his heart, he tortured Lu Li invisible.

    He clenched his fist tightly, restraining the commotion in his heart.

    At night, Yuncang Peak was so quiet that only the occasional chirping of insects passed by, the faint sound of breathing in the bedroom was infinitely amplified, and Lu Li even lowered the sound of his breathing to an extremely low level, just to feel the presence of another person.

    Looking at the wound, Qi Chu felt a little guilty, and broke the silence: "Why didn't you push me away?"

    Lu Li's back tensed suddenly, and after a short silence, he slowly said, "I... Human danger."

    Hearing Lu Li's answer, Qi Chu chuckled lightly, and the hand that was smearing the wound stopped: "Anyone who has seen your injury will say that I took advantage of other people's danger."

    Lu Li chuckled and did not speak. , just sat obediently on the chair, very much like the moment when he was just cultivating, he was obviously just a thin and weak kid, but he always came back with injuries all over his body.

    "Why me?" Qi Chu didn't understand how a little kid with a wary face, who even struggled to heal an injury and eat a meal, turned into the appearance of being so devoted to her now, If she wasn't herself, she would even wonder if she had given him the heart-stimulating grass to make him what he is today.     The weak light in the room makes people want to let go of their guards. No matter how many disguises they have, it seems that in the middle of the night, they always want to take off their shells.     Lu Li said slowly, "Senior Sister, do you still remember how I was when I first came to Yuntianzong?     " I was scared to death several times at the beginning.     "I have a younger brother." Lu Li's eyes gradually darkened, "I failed to save him." "     You said so."     "My younger brother was eaten by my parents." Lu Li lowered his head.     ?     Qi Chu couldn't figure out what he was talking about, "Eat it?"     Lu Li closed his eyes, as if the red eyes were still in front of his eyes, he took a deep breath: "The demons are raging, everyone is here Running around to avoid demons, no one is cultivating the fields, wild beasts are almost devoured by demons, and there are fewer and fewer things to eat, and later, people, began to eat people." Qi Chu opened her eyes wide in horror, she knew that the palm of her     hand The child brought back by the door is getting thinner and smaller day by day, but she never thought that she would come to this step.     "In the beginning, someone proposed to eat demons. We captured some small demons, and then tried to eat them boldly. As a result, not long after eating them, most people couldn't stand the poison of demons and died immediately, and some people were killed by demons. Assimilate, become neither human nor demon."     "Later, some people started to starve to death, and some people started to propose to eat the starving people." Speaking of this, Lu Li suddenly sneered, "After that, there were not enough people to starve to death. ..."

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