Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

    Qi Chu recognized this person's voice, it was Lu Wu, the head of Yuntian Sect, but Lu Wu never cared about these trivial matters in the sect, what attracted him here.

    Bai Ling and Lu Yun went forward and bowed deeply, while Lu Li walked up to Qi Chu and blocked him behind.

    "I've built the foundation, don't worry." Qi Chu patted Lu Li's upper arm and walked around to the front.

    This was the first time Qi Chu saw Lu Wu after 500 years, and for some reason, she had some indescribably strange emotions.


    Qi Chu stood in front, unable to see the killing intent in the eyes of the people behind him.

    Lu Wu looked much older than 500 years ago, Qi Chu understood, the master, the end is approaching, 100 years? No, maybe faster.

    That's why Yuntianzong needs to accept disciples so urgently, but it has nothing to do with her. She has already achieved half of the purpose of coming to Yuntianzong this time, and she just needs to pick another opportunity to pick up the spirit grass. Yun Tianzong, neither owes each other.

    What's more, Lu Yun said that when he was injured, it was the master who sent her here. Then her little trick could not escape the master's eyes.

    In this way, it is even more impossible for Yuntianzong to accept her as a disciple, so what is the reason why the sect master said he could not leave.

    "Who is this fairy?" Qi Chu deliberately pretended to be stupid, looking at the two who were still saluting.

    Lu Yun took a step forward and gestured: "This is Lu Wu, the head of my Yuntian Sect."

    Qi Chu immediately showed a look of reverence, bent forward slightly and said, "So it's the head, come on!" Thank you so much for the rescue, otherwise I would have almost died in the hands of the noble sect, Master Su."

    Bai Ling looked at Qi Chu dissatisfied with a look of [you scold, you scold again], saying that the lower realm is popular. The yin and yang way of speaking, after hearing it, it really has something to say.

    The leader didn't change much in his expression, but approached with a smile, exuding the coercion of a superior.

    Qi Chu felt her knees bend unconsciously, she clenched her teeth, and supported her knees even though she was trembling a little.

    The headmaster glanced at Qi Chu's legs, and said with a smile, "You guys go out first, I have something to say to this classmate."

    Although Bai Ling and Lu Yun were a little confused, they still left the door, and the rest stood at Qi Chu. Behind him, Lu Li looked like a cannibal.

    The two looked at each other for a while, but Qi Chu said first, "You wait for me at the door first." Qi Chu

    turned his head, and Lu Li had put away his killing intent. He lowered his eyes and nodded silently.

    After everyone went out, Lu Wu lightly waved his hand, and the door of the pill room was closed.

    Qi Chu took a deep breath, stabilized the spiritual power in his body, and said, "I don't know what the Master Sect Leader wants from me?"

    Lu Wu glanced at her tense face, knowing that the girl was using her spiritual power. Fighting against his coercion, he smiled and took back the coercion that was released. Qi Chu didn't expect that the legs that were supporting him lost the strength to resist in an instant, and he staggered and walked a few steps on the spot.

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