Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

    When Lu Yun heard this, his face froze, and he stood up: "It's all because I'm not good at learning, and I can't solve problems for my brother." "It's not

    your fault, it's my inner demon, which is too deeply rooted, and there is no cure."

    500 years ago, if it weren't for Lu Yun's elixir, he might have gone mad long ago, instead of living in peace with the demons. Until today, his cultivation base can still improve by leaps and bounds.

    Lu Yun lowered his head, "Senior sister, senior brother, are you still not letting go?"

    Lu Li didn't respond, but changed the topic: "Junior brother, can you give me some Qingxin Dan.

    " Brother, look at me like this, don’t you understand? It’s been 500 years, brother should let it go, maybe sister has entered the path of reincarnation..." Lu Yun just wanted to continue, when he felt

    Lu Li's surging spiritual power, " Brother, your inner demons are worse than before, otherwise, me and the master..."

    "No need!" Lu Li refused bluntly, "Just give me some Qingxin Dan, I have something else to do."

    Lu Yun looked at Lu Li So resolute, I didn't dare to continue talking, so I went to the medicine cabinet behind the alchemy furnace, found a bottle of Qingxin Pill, and handed it to him, "Brother, if Qingxin Pill can't control the rampage of the demon, I just I can tell the sect master, Senior Brother, Yuntianzong cannot lose you, you know what it will look like if the demons run amok, you...I don't want you to make a big mistake." Lu Li looked at the white porcelain bottle in his hand, and wrote the words "Qingxindan

    " On the red paper, every stroke and every painting seemed to remind him of self-denial.

    "I know." Lu Li took the Qingxin Pill and turned to leave. There was no light in his deep eyes.

    "Sigh." Lu Yun looked at the back of his senior brother Yu Jian leaving, and sighed. He is obviously the best senior in Wuyu, the one with the most powerful abilities in the cultivation world, but also the one with the most demons, Yun Tian What will happen to Zong's future? He can't help but look at the clouds in the sky and sigh again.

    "Big Brother, Big Brother." Junior sister Su Yuqing somehow knew that Lu Li had arrived at Yunque Peak, and rushed into the alchemy room yelling all the way, but when she arrived, only Lu Li was left in the alchemy room. Spirit marks.

    Su Yuqing couldn't see Lu Li, so he asked Lu Yun, "Senior Brother Yun, where is Senior Brother?

    " Lu Li was a sword cultivator, but he forced himself to come to him for treatment because of injuries all day long, and because of this, Lu Yun, who was also not suitable for sword cultivation, gradually developed a sympathy for her.

    "Senior Brother Yun, why didn't you send someone to tell me that Senior Brother is back? You clearly know that Senior Brother's Yuncang Peak won't let me in, so I can only talk to him when he comes to your place." Su Yuqing He was obviously the apple of the eye of Su Zhen, the lord of the Immortal Alliance, before he attained enlightenment. With his talent and intelligence, he established his foundation early. No matter his appearance or family background, he was a leader in the cultivation world. But later, he suffered so much for Lu Li. Never paid attention to her.

    But Su Yuqing not only did not give up, but became more and more courageous.

    "Junior Sister...why are you bothering?" Lu Yun sighed, "Besides, you know that Senior Brother Lu Li doesn't like others to call him Senior Senior Brother. There was another Senior Senior Sister before Yuntianzong. If you want to call him, you can only call him Second Senior Brother." Senior brother."

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