Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    "Senior Sister..." Lu Li saw that Qi Chu's face was pale, he put a magic weapon in his place as a substitute, and walked straight to Qi Chu's side.

    Qi Chu was soaking in the already icy water, mumbling in her mouth, unable to hear what she was saying.

    Lu Li whispered, "Senior Sister, wait for me." He took out the Dragon Bone Grass from his bosom and put it into the marrow washing solution. When he saw the water, he blushed and turned his head away, clearly knowing the water in front of him. People couldn't hear him, so he still apologized, "Senior sister, I didn't see anything."

    He left before to get dragon bone grass near Moyuan. The effect of spinal fluid.

    Lu Li watched the Dragon Bone Grass enter the water, and then used spiritual power to make the Dragon Bone Grass merge with other fairy grasses as soon as possible. The surface of the water glowed with luster, and the Dragon Bone Grass began to play its role.

    "Senior Sister, are you feeling better?" Lu Li squatted beside the barrel, rubbing the edge of the barrel with his fingers.

    Qi Chu's tightly knit brows eased a little, but it seemed that she was still trapped in the inner demon, and the cold sweat on her forehead continued to flow out layer by layer.

    At this moment, Qi Chu was still being questioned by the inner demon and couldn't get out. After all, Lu Li couldn't hold back, and sent his spiritual consciousness into her spiritual veins along his fingertips.

    Looking at Qi Chu who was constantly pushing himself into a dead end in the sea of ​​consciousness, Lu Li finally called out that senior sister, which he had been waiting for for 500 years. When he saw Qi Chu in the antique city, he couldn't believe his eyes, his senior sister had really come back.

    When Qi Chu heard the familiar senior sister's voice, both his heart demon and himself froze in place.

    She couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality, so she sighed lightly, "Even if I live it all over again, are you still so haunted?" After she finished speaking, she sneered and her expression became joking, "Okay, okay, I know I'm not as good as you, so you don't need to remind me again."

    Qi Chu meditated again, rebuilding the chaotic spirit veins one by one, Lu Li lowered his eyes, left a soft apology, and backed out, but However, the aura is still continuously assisting Qi Chu to adjust his breath.

    Senior sister hates him, but he has no face to beg senior sister not to hate him. On the night of senior sister's death, he also couldn't do anything, and could only watch helplessly as senior sister's soul was shattered.

    Seeing Qi Chu whose breathing became more and more stable, Lu Li retreated back to his original place, his eyes darkened.

    The sun rose and set. When Qi Chu woke up again, it was already Monday afternoon. She didn't expect it to take so long. There were several missed calls on her phone. She turned her back to Lu Li and put on her clothes. Looking back at the person who was still sitting there blankly, she muttered, "I won't have auditory hallucinations just because of the same name, but my good junior brother wouldn't do such a thing to help.

    " Putting on his coat, he walked over and patted Lu Li on the shoulder, "Thank you for your hard work."

    The words "no hard work" almost blurted out, and Lu Li's expression was gloomy.

    Qi Chu didn't stop, and sat in the magic circle again, absorbing the remaining spiritual power of the spirit stone before opening his eyes.

    The rebuilt spiritual veins, filled with the energy of heaven and earth, are full and smooth, and Qi Chu even feels that the aptitude after washing the marrow may be even better than his previous self.

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