Chapter 71 - 80

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Chapter 71

    Opening the treasure map, the topographic plane of the entire secret realm and the locations of the treasures were drawn in detail on the map. Qi Chu couldn't help but wonder what kind of new welfare method this was.

    She handed the treasure map to Lu Li, "Remember it too, it will be burnt after reading it."

    "Okay." Lu Li took it.

    Qi Chu approached the monk who fell on the ground, took out the medicine bottle, took out the medicine for internal injuries and stuffed them into her mouth one by one. By the time Lu Li had burned the last corner of the picture.

    Qi Chu approached him and thought for a moment, "It might be a trap. Do you want to stay here or come with me?" "

    Together." Lu Li replied quickly without any hesitation.

    "Okay, then let's move these people together first, and I'll set up a formation for them so that they don't get away." Qi Chu had a smirk on his face.

    Lu Li tilted his head in confusion.

    Qi Chu explained, "I just saved their lives, and then I gave them a pill, so it's not too much to charge, right?" She picked up a monk's feet and dragged him back as she spoke.

    "It's not too much, it should be." With a faint smile on the corner of Lu Li's mouth, he also dragged a person.

    Qi Chu thought while dragging, all of these monks are poor, money is not counted on, and they can earn back some of the cost if they receive some spirit stones.

    With great strength, Lu Li immediately carried the five people who were as heavy as corpses together. Qi Chu drew a magic circle on the ground with his sword, raised his fingers and muttered a mantra, and a semicircular transparent cover came out of the magic circle. The bottom rose up, tightly enclosing several people inside.

    Qi Chu knocked on the cover, "Well, it should be fine."

    The magic circle is a bondage circle, which is generally used to catch demons, so unless the magician undoes it by himself or breaks it open by force, it is impossible for the people inside to get out. But to forcefully break through her magic circle, one needs to be at least three levels higher than her to be able to forcefully break through.

    Taking the training system of body training-qi refining-foundation-building-Golden Elixir-Yuanying-Hua Shen-Mahayana, at least the monks in the Hua Shen stage who want to break her formation now, and those who can break the formation of monsters, at least It must be level two or higher.

    So this formation can not only restrain them, but also protect them invisibly.

    "Let's go." Qi Chu stepped on the flying sword and flew towards the nearest treasure on the treasure map.

    Lu Li followed behind.

    Without the guardian, there was no obstacle for Yujian to take off into the sky, but the fog got thicker as it flew, Qi Chu threw a rope of spiritual power to tie the two of them together.

    "Follow me closely." Qi Chu looked at the mist with an ominous premonition.

    Sure enough, all of a sudden, there was a ball of green slime flying towards them, Qi Chu immediately threw a broken magic talisman at the slime, and only heard a "bang", the slime exploded and scattered into a ball of green fog.

    The green fog was stinky and choking. Qi Chu raised his upper arm to cover his mouth and nose, turned around and said to Lu Li, "Down first, hold your breath." According to the map, the first

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