Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

    The furnace in the alchemy room emitted a dark stream of light. Lu Yun opened the door carefully, and saw the girl sitting cross-legged on the ground.

    I saw that the girl was short of breath, sure enough, she was poisoned.

    "Are you refining alchemy?" Lu Yun said to himself, seeing the Youlan furnace burning brightly, the little girl didn't react at all to his appearance, "Did you turn off all five senses?" Lu Yun just wanted to take a step

    forward , with a bang, the furnace opened, and a blue pill slowly rose out.

    "Baijie Dan?" Lu Yun would not be mistaken for the bright green color, even if he refines it, he may not be able to obtain such a grade.

    The girl sitting on the ground slowly opened her eyes, her pupils dilated slightly.

    "Wait...wait." A person who has not yet established a foundation refines the elixir. Although it looks high-grade, there is no guarantee that there will be some problems. Lu Yun wants to stop it, but the other party seems to be unable to see him.

    The pill flew into the girl's hand quickly, and she swallowed it without hesitation.

    "This..." Lu Yun found it incredible, why is she so confident, the recognition of the spirit grass, the interaction of the spirit grass, even if a medicine cultivator wants to understand all of them, it will take 10 years at the fastest, not to mention that she is still a true cultivator. Students who have not touched the threshold.

    At the entrance of the elixir, Qi Chu used his spiritual power to decompose the elixir and pushed it into the internal organs. After feeling that the toxins in the blood had been cleaned up, Qi Chu reopened his five senses.

    "Alas." Qi Chu sighed, and during the alchemy process, she felt the fluctuation of spiritual power beside her. Sure enough, after recovering her sight, she saw Lu Yun staring at her with wide-eyed eyes in surprise.

    "Immortal Elder." Qi Chu got up slowly, patted the pants that had just been sitting on the ground, and pretended to compose.

    Lu Yun half-closed his eyes, approached her, grabbed her hand, and checked the pulse. Sure enough, except for a slight heartbeat, he could not detect any abnormalities. If he came back later , will probably be fooled.

    "Why do you know how to make alchemy?" Lu Yun rarely had a smile on his face, and his seriousness was a little scary.

    Qi Chu was calm, and smiled, "Hui Xianchang, if I say that I learned it in a dream, would Xianchang believe me?"

    Lu Yun didn't smile, and looked at the expression on Qi Chu's face meaningfully, "I should Do you believe me?"

    "I didn't ask, it's my fault for using the immortal elder's spirit grass and pill furnace without authorization, but if the immortal elder wanted me to die, why did he save me in the first place? Such a roundabout way? If only disciples of the Xuantian Secret Realm are not allowed to enter, just say it directly, why do you need human life?" Qi Chu believed in Yuntian Sect, and believed that cultivators would at least have to show their faces before they would be careless and eat by mistake Poison, but it turns out that people's hearts can change.

    "You! How could our Yuntianzong do such a thing!" Although Lu Yun was angry, Yunque Peak is indeed a mountain that cannot be climbed unless Yujian. Let me explain to you, classmate."

    "That would be the best, but I almost died in your Yuntian Sect twice." Qi Chu was more disappointed than angry, and after being reborn, she always felt that many things deviated from her original ideas.

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