Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

    Yao Yun once again acted like I don't care, what do you guys like, don't look for me when the school blows up, and left with his hands.

    The person in the way left, the dean smiled triumphantly, collected Qi Chu's first subject test paper, and handed it to Zhou Hongyi to go to the teacher of the same subject to correct it.

    "Don't worry, take the exam slowly, we won't leave school until we finish the exam." Zhou Hongyi had a villainous face, Qi Chuyun smiled lightly, and didn't speak, but Feng Yi couldn't sit still, and the exam will take a day, isn't it? Well, play so big?

    But he provoked the matter, he let out all his words, and it was impossible to leave.

    After class was over, Lu Li hadn't seen anyone back yet, so he wanted to go out and look for them.

    Yao Yun poked his head and invited the people out. When they reached a secluded corner, Yao Yun cupped his hands respectfully, "Senior, this junior is not capable enough to protect your...apprentice." "Apprentice?" Lu Li raised his eyelids and understood again

    . According to Yao Yun's meaning, he was under the guise of accepting apprentices, and now he is so protective of Qi Chu, so probably Yao Yun thought Qi Chu was the apprentice he wanted to accept.

    However, he reminded Lu Li, so it was an excuse.

    "Oh, that's right, not yet." Yao Yun completely misunderstood Lu Li's meaning, "But this junior doesn't understand something, I wonder if I can ask senior to explain to this junior?" Lu Li nodded silently, and Yao Yun boldly asked out his doubts

    : "Senior, according to this junior, Qi Chu's spiritual power is only 2." If you really want to choose an apprentice, Lin Ji is a more suitable one. It's not Qi Chu who only has spiritual power 2.

    Lu Li raised his eyes, with an expression of course he knew.

    When Yao Yun saw Lu Li's expression, he understood what he meant, "But senior, I'm afraid that other people will not accept it."

    For a sect with a glorious history like Yuntian Sect, no matter how many people want to enter it, if they openly accept an apprentice with a spiritual power of 2, they will only be laughed at by other monks, even if Lu Li can protect her for a while, but everyone will say, How can it be blocked? Besides, it is very irresponsible to force a person who has no talent at all to cultivate. As an educator, Yao Yun has no way to accept this kind of nonsense.

    Lu Li swallowed back the words that I don't need other people's approval. He thought of how harsh his senior sister had been to him. Maybe she couldn't bear to live under the protection of others for the rest of her life.

    "She is not spiritual power 2." Maybe she was before the marrow washing, but after washing the marrow, she will never be spiritual power 2. She may not be as talented as in her previous life, but she is enough to beat the people around her.     "But the magic weapon..." Yao Yun felt that this sword cultivator was deceived by lard, and he could even say such nonsense, but after thinking about it, he changed his words again, "Then let's retest, if it is true as what the senior said, I want to ask her to transfer classes with Senior." Transferring to the cultivation class will make it much easier for Yao Yun to deal with it.     Lu Li remained silent, neither agreeing nor refusing.     "Where is he now?" Lu Li only had a friendly voice when he was in Qichu, but when the others saw Lu Li's indifferent appearance, they would unconsciously panic.     Yao Yun: "Senior, you don't need to worry, you are just taking the exam." After Qi Chu, being suspected may be a very common thing.     Yao Yun pursed his lips worriedly. If she really became a sword cultivator disciple under Lu Li's Yuncang Peak and had only accepted one apprentice for thousands of years, how many people would ask her to prove herself on this road? force.     Moreover, according to gossip, Yuncang Peak has not been visited by outsiders for 500 years. Such a spiritual peak that has been welcoming visitors for a long time, is suddenly opened to people, and the curiosity of the entire cultivation world may gather.     Lu Li didn't care, but the little girl, she was only 17 years old, and Yao Yun frowned worriedly.

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