Chapter 131 - 135

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Chapter 131

    "Li Yan!" Qi Chu jumped down from the air holding the magic water sword, blocking Lu Wu's attack that wanted to put Li Yan to death. There was a violent collision of metal, and Qi Chu pulled out his backhand again. The Golden Crow Sword cut across.

    Xiao Taihe also joined Qi Chu left and right, and charged towards Lu Wu full of resentment.

    Seeing the situation, Su Zhen was stunned: "Leader Lu Wu, be careful."

    Lu Wu had already figured out Qi Chu's attack method, and saw that he leaped back slightly and slapped Xiao Taihe with a palm, not only dodging perfectly , and even vomited blood from Xiao Taihe's injury.

    Fuck, even if she has reached Mahayana, the gap in experience still leaves her no advantage.

    Lu Li also fell down and put up a protective cover in front of Qi Chu.

    Su Zhen'an's spy in Shuixi Sect had just reported that Qi Chu had broken through the Mahayana, and saw that not only did she block Lu Wu's attack, but also Lu Li's words, the entire Immortal League was no match for them. Taking advantage of Lu Wu's presence, he Deliberately denounced: "Lu Li, are you going to be an enemy of the world? Are you going to ruin yourself here? The head of Lu has worked hard to train you. Now everyone in the world regards you as a role model. This is how you respond to everyone. What are you looking forward to?"

    Lu Li sneered after hearing this, but didn't say much.

    On the contrary, Qi Chu heard Su Zhen's speech, and couldn't help but retort: ​​"Yes, the head of Lu has done a lot of good things for the sake of the world and the sect."

    Xiao Taihe covered his chest and roared: "Lu Wu, You will pay for my brother's life!"

    Lu Wu didn't care what they said, and continued to look down on them with a high-ranking look.

    Qi Chu turned to look at Su Zhen, provocatively: "Leader Su, do you really think that you became the leader because of your outstanding ability?" Su Zhen was stunned after hearing this, but did not understand what

    Qi Chu meant.

    Everything that happens has a cause, and Su Zhen will probably never understand until his death that his position as the leader is not guided by others step by step, just like the poisonous poison that was also planted in his body.

    After successfully crossing the tribulation, Qi Chu was able to directly see the spiritual veins in the opponent's body through her spiritual vision, and those invisible young bugs could not hide in her spiritual vision.

    Not only Yun Tianzong's disciples after foundation establishment, but even a small number of talented disciples' spiritual veins have been corroded by Gu poison.

    Qi Chu: "Master Lu, stop, don't make any more mistakes. It is true that you have nurtured me, but what you have done is too crazy. Let everything return to the right track." Li Yan calmed down

    . , looked at Qi Chu standing in front of her, and immediately tugged at the hem of her skirt: "Master, let's go..." As soon as he

    finished speaking, the gate of Buzhou Tower fell down with a bang, and those crazy monsters, They rushed out of the Buzhou Tower one after another.

    Lu Wu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and sent an order with his voice, "Rebel Qi Chu, colluded with demon cultivators, let go of the demons, all disciples obey the order, immediately kill all traitors and party members, and defend to the death!" For a moment, all disciples seemed to have received the

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