Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

    The atmosphere of the Spring Festival is getting stronger and stronger, and this urban village in the west of the city has become extraordinarily quiet.

    Qi Chu walked in the path full of branch roads, except for the occasional lights and human voices, only the faint sound of his own footsteps remained.

    After rejecting Lu Li's offer of escort, she needs to think carefully about what went wrong with the Wuyu mentality in her memory, so that a person who has just established a foundation has such a powerful inner demon.

    If there is a slight mistake, this person may fall into the devil directly. Once fallen into the devil, there is only one way to die except to seek refuge in the devil sect.

    All sects will never leave anyone alive.

    She sighed again.

    If the one in the secret realm is correct, then where did the mental method in the original memory come from, and after using the mental method in the secret realm to run his spiritual power, Qi Chu found that his inner demons had hardly relapsed.

    She finally had to admit that there might be something wrong with her memory.

    But 500 years have passed, even if you go to Yuntianzong to inquire, you can only ask two people, one is the junior brother with the same name and surname as Lu Li, and the other is Lu Yun.

    Although Lu Yun spends far less time with that junior, but unless it is absolutely necessary, Qi Chu doesn't want to meet that facial paralysis again.

    The next day, Yang Hua told her that she had found an acquaintance to help develop an app, the simplest one, with a minimum price of 30,000 yuan.

    Qi Chu took a look and only had a bank card balance of 5,000 yuan left.

    Yes, I am not worthy.

    Hasty, no wonder Lin Ji thinks vestments are the price of cabbage, 2999 for an attribute, no different from giving it away for nothing.

    What limits her values, is poverty.

    Qi Chu silently sent a voice: "Lao Yang, ask your acquaintances if they can install installments."

    Not long after, she received a series of provincial numbers from Yang Hua.

    Before he could reply, Yang Hua called: "I can't install the installment, but someone wants to ask you for help."


    Qi Chu's eyes lit up after hearing this: "Exorcism?"

    Yang Hua stammered on the phone: "No, just... you are not building a foundation now, you should be very powerful in spells too." "Don't flatter me

    , Get to the point." When Qi Chu heard this, he guessed that it was not a reliable thing.

    Yang Hua: "A man lost his cat, and I wanted to ask if you could help him find it." "

    ...Looking for the cat? Give me money?" Qi Chu's mind was still on the bank deposit page just now.

    "Of course I did. I'm afraid you monks will look down on such a job. Generally, professional ones will give you 10,000, but the other party has hired a professional cat rescue team and still can't find it, so I'm willing to give you twice." "Twice?" Qi

    Chu He stopped, and suddenly felt that he had done something before.

    "Yes, do you think so?" Yang Hua asked tremblingly, you must know that all monks have high self-esteem.

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