Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

    Lu Li nodded slowly, "I saw it running towards a mountain."

    "Which mountain?" Qi Chu approached him with hope shining in his eyes.

    "I don't know the name of the mountain." Lu Li shook his head apologetically.

    "Hmm." Qi Chu lowered his head and thought about it, "Why don't you take me there? I Yujian will take you?"

    Bai Ling and Lu Yun glanced at each other, not understanding what Lu Li was going to do. If he really found out Little monsters, just catch them and give them back, why do you want to put on such a play.

    When Lu Li stood on Qi Chu's sword, Qi Chu realized that with his current spiritual power, he couldn't carry people at all. The sword trembled slightly, almost throwing them off.

    "How about, Master Lu Yun, can you do me a favor?" Qi Chu looked at Lu Yun, who was beside him with a melancholy expression, and Lu Yun nodded in agreement with a puzzled expression.

    Lin Ji, who was standing beside him, also took a step forward, "I, I'm going too."

    Bai Ling wanted to follow up, but now that he had an excuse, he quickly said, "I'll take you!"

    As a result, there were three mighty flying swords, Lu Yun and Lu Li walked in the front, Qi Chu followed closely, and Lin Ji at the back screamed like a murderer for the first time with his sword, causing Bai Ling to crooked several times and nearly Throw people away.

    Lu Yun asked in a volume that only two people could hear: "Senior brother, what is the purpose of this? Have you really discovered the beast in the secret realm?" Lu Li sneered: "Senior

    brother has been in the Yuntian Sect for nearly a thousand years. When did you hear about the beast in the secret realm ?" There are divine beasts."

    Lu Yun was shocked: "Then what is the intention of the master?"

    Lu Li lowered his eyes, "The master wants to use her to suppress my demons."

    "The master knows your demons?" Lu Yun I always thought that the Sect Leader didn't know about this, but it turned out that the Sect Leader knew about it a long time ago, no wonder the Sect Leader looked at Lu Li so complicatedly every time.

    "Yeah." Lu Li replied lightly, as if it was an unimportant matter.

    "No, then where are you taking her?" Lu Yun instinctively felt that the direction ahead was wrong.

    "I want him to know that I can control my inner demons." Lu Li pointed to Yunlan Peak, and Lu Yun who was standing in front felt that something was wrong.

    Yun Lanfeng, which has been sealed for 500 years, is senior brother going to let her in? The little junior sister knew what to do. For 500 years, no one except Lu Li himself could enter this mountain.

    Bai Ling, who was following behind, turned pale when he saw the destination. What is Master going to do?

    Several people stopped at the foot of the mountain, Qi Chu was particularly excited, no matter whether he could find the beast or not, it seemed that the spirit grass was about to be obtained.

    "It's here." Lu Li opened his eyes and said nonsense, Lu Yun and Bai Ling had given up thinking, Bai Ling asked Lu Yun for help with his eyes, but saw Lu Yun shaking his head and sighing.

    "But I've been here just now, and I can't get in." Qi Chu looked at Lu Yun, and said with a smile, "I wonder if your sect can open the restriction? Look, I've searched all over the place and can't find it. If the divine beast doesn’t come back for a day, the disciples of the outer sect of your sect won’t be able to build a foundation for a day, and it’s a waste of time for others.”

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