Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

    The spiritual veins in the mountain are formed by gathering the aura of heaven and earth. Within the spiritual veins, it is the gathering place of heaven, material and earth treasures. The part of the spiritual veins that Qi Chu saw was too weak, so the weeds grew on it. , the spiritual veins will gather spontaneously, as long as you follow along to find, maybe you will find something.

    Qi Chu followed the weak light and pushed aside the overgrown no-man's road. The weak light became more and more intense, and what finally appeared in front of him was a clear spring with a diameter of half a meter.

    The clear spring is shining with a scorching blue light, and the gurgling spring water flows out continuously, converging into a small stream, flowing into the distance. Around the clear spring, there are all kinds of fairy grasses, which are lush and strong.     "Hahaha." Qi Chu couldn't help laughing out loud, "Sure enough, the Dao of Heaven still treats me well. Although there is no Dragon Bone Grass for Lingshui Xiancao, basically all the formulas for marrow washing liquid are available, hahahaha.     " What, you want to wash the marrow? Are you crazy?" Ah Ling, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "You know that even if there are dragon bone grass and guardians, the success rate of the marrow washing is only half, and not only do you have no dragon bone grass, There is no protector yet, if you are dead, who can help me find a way to get rid of this magic iron." "Who says     I don't have a protector." Qi Chu glanced at Lu Li beside him, "Although he hasn't established a foundation yet. , but the spiritual power is enough, I will set up a magic circle, you don't have to worry too much, everything has risks, but for me, those are insignificant." "Are you really crazy? Why are you so reckless     ? There is absolutely no need to take this kind of risk." Although Ah Ling has no memory, he instinctively denies such a thing, and the people behind him are still pretending to be controlled. It was really over at first.     "Maybe it is an unnecessary thing for others. To live a smooth life without making any efforts is also a way of living, but since you have died once, you will know what you want. What, what kind of life do I want." Qi Chu said it easily, but seemed very lonely.     "Have you died once?" Although Ah Ling always felt that Qi Chu acted abnormally, he was only shocked when Qi Chu said that he was in the previous life, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

    "It's okay to tell you, the owner of this body is dead, and my body has been dead for 500 years." Qi Chu said as he took out the bag he had prepared long ago to pick the fairy grass he needed , "So, risk, I know all of this, but if I don't do what I want to do, who can guarantee that I will have a next life?" "

    Then how did you die in your last life?" Ah Ling also died once People, although I can't remember clearly, but somehow I feel a sense of intimacy.

    "Crossing the tribulation failed, Dao disappeared, it's a very old story." Qi Chu smiled lightly, not noticing the shock in Lu Li's eyes behind him.

    "Then you really died for the Tao."

    "Hahaha, I was always unconvinced in my previous life. I have a younger brother who has a cold face every day. He obviously doesn't like to talk to anyone, but he can be admired by thousands of people. He is clearly a cultivator. It was later than me, but it easily surpassed me. It’s impossible to say that I don’t care. It’s probably because I can’t calm down, so it’s hard to achieve. But thinking about it now, if I want to become like him, I might as well I don’t practice Taoism.”

    “Is your junior brother very good?” Ah Ling was lost in thought, and he also wanted to know his last name and why he appeared in the magic iron.

    "Well, three years for foundation building and five years for golden elixir. Now, you should have broken through Mahayana. No one has ascended in the cultivation world for nearly a thousand years. If there is, I believe that person will be him." Ah Ling glanced at Qi

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