Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

    "Not good." Yao Yun hurriedly worked out the formula, and immediately opened the large net of spiritual power, and set up an invisible shielding net within a radius of 50 meters of the Scarlet Flame Spider.

    No one should find out that she opened the back door for Yun Tianzong's sword cultivator to come in, otherwise she would really die.

    The golden light burst out, and the sword intent was fully opened.

    Countless flowing sword intents revolved around Lu Li's body, constantly spinning.

    Lu Li slowly raised his hand to the top of his head, put it down gently, and heard a loud bang, thousands of piercing sword intents gathered into a golden giant sword, and slashed directly at the Scarlet Flame Spider.

    The Scarlet Flame Spider couldn't dodge at all, so it had to be split in half alive, the magic core was suspended in the split body, and with a click, it burst open and exploded.

    The scattered magic core was followed by a series of explosions.

    The scattered body parts, mixed with purple-black blood, were scattered all over the place.

    This is the strength of sword cultivators in the Mahayana period, Yao Yun couldn't help but cover his mouth, fearing that this was Lu Li's killing intent towards him just now.

    Such destructive power can be achieved by just using sword intent... Yao Yun's eyes froze, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

    They are a small medicine sect, is it not an instant thing to be crushed to death?

    Lu Li looked expressionlessly at the shattered magic core on the ground, stepped on it lightly, and even the last bit of surviving crystals turned into powder.

    He bent down, picked up the magic weapon that restricted spiritual power from the ground, and put it on again.

    The sword intent was withdrawn in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

    Only the huge gully on the ground and the broken body parts told Yao Yun that everything just now was not a dream.

    Yao Yun regained his composure, hung Qi Chu's arm on his shoulder, and slowly stood up, "Send this classmate to the infirmary first, the trauma needs to be cleaned up."

    Lu Li lowered his eyes, looked at Qi Chu's dirty and torn clothes, and half closed his eyes. Pulling the man away from Yao Yun again, he hugged him horizontally, "I'll do it."     "Okay, okay." Yao Yun didn't dare to question, and took the man straight to the infirmary. After disinfecting and bandaging Qi Chu's wound, He took out the pill and handed it to Lu Li, "Let her take it after she wakes up. Although her internal injuries are not serious, she is only a mortal after all, and she still has a broken rib or two. This medicine can speed up the healing time of her injuries. It's just that there are regulations in the Immortal League, this medicine cannot be used by mortals. But... she was injured by a demon after all, so take it." Yao Yun handed the medicine to Lu Li.     "Okay, if Xianmeng needs someone to explain this matter, let them come to me." Lu Li said flatly.     Yao Yun smiled awkwardly, thinking to himself, who would dare to look for you, would you kill me?     Then I went to deal with the follow-up of the monster.     In the infirmary, the heater was rumbled on, and beads of sweat were dripping on Qi Chu's forehead covered with the quilt. She frowned slightly, murmured twice, and wanted to move, but this movement was a heart-piercing pain. .     But she was trapped in a dream, and she couldn't wake up. In the dream, she was still on Misty Cloud Peak, and Misty Cloud Peak had the formation she set up. It was like spring all year round, warm and pleasant, just like a fairyland. But suddenly a big demon appeared, spit out raging fire, and burned up the fairy grass she planted so hard.     In the dream, she was obviously at the cultivation base of Yuanying Dzogchen, but no matter whether she made the formula or used the sword, the opponent was unscathed, and she was so angry that her eyes widened.     wake up.     There was a vast expanse of whiteness in her vision, only the profuse sweating and beating heart made her realize that it was just a dream.     When she looked up, she saw Lu Li sitting on the side, looking at her motionless, like the junior with the same name and surname. She was scared and wanted to sit up, but the pain was so painful that she couldn't get up at all.     Lu Li saw that Qi Chu wanted to get up by force, so he hurried over, supported Qi Chu who was stiff and left the bed slightly, and said in a gentle and deep voice, "The wound will open, please don't move."

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